• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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内容简介:提出了一种紧凑的零度馈电的具有分支线加载的具有3个传输零点的微带双带通滤波器。首先完成了中心频率2.4 GHz的微带单带通滤波器设计,再次完成了加载分支线的优化仿真设计,最终实现了2.4/3.5 GHz微带双通带滤波器,实测和仿真结果吻合较好,实测得到了的第一、二通带相对带宽大于5%,第一通带内插损小于1.5 dB,第二通带内插损小于3 dB。提出的分支加载的微带双带通滤波器具有设计简单、结构紧凑、很好的选择性等优点,可以满足无线局域网(WLAN)系统和固定无线接入(FWA)通信需要。

Abstract:A compact microstrip dual -band passband filter with three transmission zeros using open stub-loaded resonator and 0-degree feed structure was presented .First, the design of the 2.4 GHz pass-band filter was completed .Second , the optimization simulation loading the branch line is completed too . Finnally , the 2 .4/3 .5 GHz dual-band microstrip passband filter was fabricated .The measured results of the filter was in good agreement with the simulation .The fractional frequency bandwidths of the measured dual passbands are greater than 5%.The insertion loss of the low -band is below 1.5 dB.The insertion loss of the high-band is below 3 dB.So the proposed dual -band microstrip passband filter based on Stub-Loaded Resonators not only has high selectivity , but also is compact in size , and easy to design and realize .It can meet the 2 .4 GHz and 3 .5 GHz wireless communication requirements such as short -range wireless communication in WLAN and FWA application .

作者:黄强, 夏祖学, 梁尧, 薛强,

关键词:微带带通滤波器, 双带通, 分支线加载谐振器, 零度馈电, 传输零点

学习掌握微波滤波器设计,敬请关注: 微波滤波器设计培训课程


