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在中心频点62信道进行,已加200K的陷波器,将中心频点限制了70dB左右。手机最大功率发射,检波方式:MAX PEAK,最大保持(MAX HOLD),测试值无法通过,一般都在-74dBm左右。RBW/VBW=100K/300K

传导杂散测试中接收频段935960M的空闲模式的要求为-57dBm(3GPP TS51.010-1 version 5.7.0 Release 5 P152);

Table 13-10: Spurious emissions in the MS receive bands
关键是协议中没有找到频谱仪的检波方式该如何设置,所以用MAX PEAK检波是否正确呢?


1.1. Wideband noise
(REC 51.010 § 13.4; REC 45.005 § 4.2.1)

Measurements under normal conditions

Resolution Bandwidth : 100 kHz
Video Bandwidth: 100 kHz
Span 0 Hz
Average over 50 bursts ; External Trigger
Middle channel at Pmax

Every ARFCN from FT 1800 kHz to the edge of the relevant transmit band
At 200 kHz intervals over the 2 MHz either side of the relevant transmit band

The spectrum generated by at least 40 of the bits from 87 to 132
of the burst is the only spectrum measured

The power reference for the measurements in dBc is mesured in a resolution bandwidth of 30kHz and a video bandwidth of 30 kHz.

1.1.1. E-GSM

Power levels in dB relative to the measurement at FT
Power level
33 dBm1.8 to
3.0 MHz3.0 to
6.0 MHz> to
6.0 MHz
DBc- 63- 65- 71
mini dBm- 46- 46- 46
100 kHz / 100 kHz
Resolution bandwidth / Video bandwidth

1.1.2. DCS and PCS

Power levels in dB relative to the measurement at FT
Power level
30 dBm1.8 to
6.0 MHz> to
6.0 MHz
DBc- 65- 73
mini dBm- 51- 51
100 kHz / 100 kHz
Resolution bandwidth / Video bandwidth

Exceptions :

Band From Ftx ± 1.8Mhz to Ftx ± 6 MHz : 3 exceptions below -36 dBm.

Band beyond 6 MHz : 12 exceptionsbelow to -36 dBm.

1.2. Spurious emissions in the MS receive band
(REC 51.010 § 13.4; REC 45.005 § 4.3)

Measurements : under normal conditions
With a notch filter centered on TX middle Frequency.
Resolution bandwidth: 100 kHz
Video bandwidth : 100 kHz
Span 0 Hz
Average over 50 bursts ; External trigger

Middle channel at Pmax

In band 925-960 MHz by step of 200 kHz
In band 1805-1880 MHz by step of 200 kHz
In band 1930-1990 MHz by step of 200 kHz

The spectrum generated by at least 40 of the bits from 87 to 132
of the burst is the only spectrum measured

BandFrequency band Level ( dBm)
E-GSM925 to 935 MHz-67
GSM & E-GSM935 to 960 MHz-79
DCS1805 to 1880 MHz-71
PCS1930 to 1990 MHz-71
Exception :

· 5 measurements in E-GSM band are allowed if the level is lower than -36 dBm

· 5 measurements in DCS band are allowed if the level is lower than -36 dBm

· 5 measurements in PCS band are allowed if the level is lower than -36 dBm

1.4. Conducted spurious emmissions on communication mode outside of RX bands
(REC 51.010 § 12.1.1)

Measurements : with a notch filter from 500 MHz
Under Temperature normal conditions
Under Supply normal and extreme conditions

The measurement on any frequency shall be performed for at least one TDMA frame period

Maximal Output Power
Free Run Trigger
Peak hold

1.4.1. GSM_E(Channel 62)
(Excluded near TX E-GSM, excluded RX E-GSM, DCS and PCS bands)
BandResolution bandwidthVideo bandwidthLimit (dBm)
100 kHz to 50 MHz10 kHz30 kHz-36
50 to 500 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-36
500 to 850 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-36
850 to 860 MHz1 MHz3 MHz-36
860 to 870 MHz300 kHz1 MHz-36
870 to 880 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-36
880 to 896.4 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-36
896.4 to 900.6 MHz30 kHz100 kHz-36
904.2 to 908.4 MHz30 kHz100 kHz-36
908.4 to 915 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-36
915 to 925 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-36
960 to 1000 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-36
1000 to 1805 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-30
1880 MHz to 1930 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-30
1990 MHz to 12.75 GHz3 MHz3 MHz-30
1.4.2. DCS (Channel 698)
(Excluded near TX DCS ; excluded RX E-GSM, DCS and PCS bands)
BandResolution bandwidthVideo bandwidthLimit (dBm)
100 kHz to 50 MHz10 kHz30 kHz-36
50 to 500 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-36
500 to 925 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-36
960 to 1000 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-36
1000 to 1680 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-30
1680 to 1690 MHz1 MHz3 MHz-30
1690 to 1700 MHz300 kHz1 MHz-30
1700 to 1710 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-30
1710 to 1741.4 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-36
1741.4 to 1745.6 MHz30 kHz100 kHz-36
1749.2 to 1753.4 MHz30 kHz100 kHz-36
1753.4 to 1785 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-36
1785 to 1795 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-30
1795 to 1805 MHz300 kHz1 MHz-30
1880 MHz to 1930 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-30
1990 MHz to 12.75 GHz3 MHz3 MHz-30
1.4.3. PCS (channel 661)
(Excluded near TX PCS ; excluded RX E-GSM, DCS and PCS bands)
BandResolution bandwidthVideo bandwidthLimit (dBm)
100 kHz to 50 MHz10 kHz30 kHz-36
50 to 500 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-36
500 to 925 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-36
960 to 1000 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-36
1000 to 1820 MHz3 MHz3 MHz-30
1820 to 1830 MHz1 MHz3 MHz-30
1830 to 1840 MHz300 kHz1 MHz-30
1840 to 1850 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-30
1850 to 1874 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-30
1874 to 1878.2 MHz30 kHz100 kHz-30
1881.8 to 1886 MHz30 kHz100 kHz-30
1886 to 1910 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-30
1910 to 1920 MHz100 kHz300 kHz-30
1920 to 1930 MHz300 kHz1 MHz-30
1990 MHz to 12.75 GHz3 MHz3 MHz-30


宽带噪声 带内带外杂散.doc :

点击下载... Test requirement
The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the levels given in table 12.6.
Table 12.6
Power level in dBmFrequency range
GSM 400,
GSM 900,
DCS 1 800
GSM 700,
GSM 850, PCS
1 900
100 kHz to880 MHz-57 -57
880 MHz to915 MHz-59 -57
915 MHz to1 000 MHz-57 -57
1 GHz to1 710 MHz-47
1 710 MHz to1 785 MHz-53
1 785 MHz to12,75 GHz-47
1 GHz to1 850 MHz -47
1 850 MHz to1 910 MHz -53
1 910 MHz to12,75 GHz -47

你讲的Table 13-10: Spurious emissions in the MS receive bands是频谱的要求,
就我理解,应该是说RX band里面5个最高的点不超过-36dbm,其它的点不超过-79dbm。
When allocated a channel, the power emitted by a GSM 400, GSM 900 and DCS 1 800 MS, in the band
935 MHz to 960 MHz shall be no more than -79 dBm, in the band 925 MHz to 935 MHz shall be no more than -
67 dBm and in the band 1 805 MHz to 1 880 MHz shall be no more than -71 dBm except in five measurements
in each of the bands 925 MHz to 960 MHz and 1 805 MHz to 1 880 MHz where exceptions at up to -36 dBm are

BandFrequency band Level ( dBm)
E-GSM925 to 935 MHz-67
GSM & E-GSM935 to 960 MHz-79
DCS1805 to 1880 MHz-71
PCS1930 to 1990 MHz-71
Exception :
· 5 measurements in E-GSM band are allowed if the level is lower than -36 dBm
· 5 measurements in DCS band are allowed if the level is lower than -36 dBm
· 5 measurements in PCS band are allowed if the level is lower than -36 dBm

但是现在我的测试情况是用MAX PEAK检波,MAX HOLD保持,RBW/VBW=100k/100k
2,Average over 50 bursts ; External Trigger

检波方式: average
sweep count:50次
trace:external trigger




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