- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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内容简介:提出了一种利用弧形开槽实现陷波特性的方法,设计了一种具有陷波特性、能够屏蔽空间手机信号干扰的超宽带天线,并利用CST仿真软件对陷波特性的变化规律做了深入探讨.该天线以普通的平面单极子天线为基础,在贴片中心加两条弧形开槽.通过调整弧形开槽的缝隙宽度、弧长、半径等参数,可以调整阻带中心频率及带宽.仿真结果表明,该天线的工作频率为0.6~5 GHz,其中,在两个GSM频带范围内(0.88~0.96 GHz和1.71~1.88 GHz)具有陷波功能.
Abstract:A new type of UWB antenna with two stopbands was designed and the characteristic of the band-notched antenna was investigated. Based on a normal CPW-fed monopole antenna, it shows band-notch characteristic through two arc-shaped slot in order to reduce the interference of mobile signals. The frequency and bandwidth of the stopbands can be adjusted by changing the width, length and radius of the slot. Simulation indicates that the s parameter of the antenna stays below -10 dB between 0.6~5 GHz, except two stopbands in 0.88~0.96 GHz and 1.71~1.88 GHz.
作者:张可儿, 屈瑞, 张安学, 蒋延生,
关键词:超宽带, 陷波天线, 驻波比,