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Spurred by the growing complexity and number of wireless devices, the market for communications test equipment is expected to prosper over the next five years. An explosion of mobile data traffic is causing service providers to search for more efficient testing methods, according to the latest report from Frost & Sullivan. The report, "Communications Test Equipment Market Outlook," notes that complex wireless networks are being driven by increased data usage as well as emerging communications standards. The advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), Long Term Evolution (LTE), and fifth-generation (5G) networks are all increasing the demand for complex test equipment.

The market for communications test equipment is expected to reach $16.2 billion by 2021, according to the report. As demand for testing rises with increased data consumption, the market is in a good position to grow alongside IoT technology. Within the next five years, Frost & Sullivan notes that machine-to-machine (M2M) data usage will exceed that of social networking. That change will occur as the number of connected devices and sensors on the market swells to over 50 billion.

The communications test market will also profit from the growth of 5G wireless networks, according to the report. 5G networks are being developed to account for the large amount of sensor-related traffic stemming from IoT devices. When these networks are introduced to the commercial market (predicted to be around 2020), they will provide new opportunities for test equipment vendors. Because wireless operators are constantly investing in faster transmission links, they will have to use an increasingly advanced set of monitoring tools to ensure network and device reliability.

Because wireless operators are constantly investing in faster transmission links,

they will have to use an increasingly advanced set of monitoring tools 

to ensure network and device reliability.

As these wireless standards and technologies collide in an increasingly diverse ecosystem, the report predicts that test equipment vendors will thrive by delivering highly flexible solutions. Mobile users have come to expect applications that work seamlessly with 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G networks. For that reason, testing solutions will have to keep pace with upgrades to consumer devices, networks, and wireless standards. Frost & Sullivan emphasizes that service providers have a strong incentive to spend on testing equipment, as it ensures a positive experience for end-users.

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