Learning RF Design using Microwave Office
射频理论讲解和Microwave Office使用相结合,在射频基础学习中, 更好掌握Microwave Office使用...
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这是一门非常棒的Microwave office学习培训课程,课程把微波射频基础知识的讲解和Microwave Office使用紧密结合起来,借助于Microwave Office软件把抽象的微波射频知识可视化、直观化,让学员可以更好的理解和掌握。而且,在学习、理解射频知识的同时,也能学会和掌握Microwave Office软件的仿真设计应用。可谓一举两得,相得益彰,是不可多得的射频工程师入门课程和Microwave Office使用培训教程。课程全长12个半小时,英文讲解,共35节课,具体内容如下:
1. Introduction to AWR Microwave Office
2. RF circuits anlysis using Microwave Office
2.1 TDR——Time Domain Reflectometry (part 1)
2.2 3D EM animation(No Audio)
2.3 DC Simulation
2.4 AC Simulation
2.5 Coaxial Cable Simulation using MWO
2.6 Microstrip Designing and Simulation using MWO
3. RF Fundamentals learning using Microwave Office
3.1 Reflection coefficient analyzing using MWO
3.2 the concept of Reflection coefficient and VSWR and how simulate them using MWO
3.3 Slotted line using MWO
3.4 TDR-Time domain reflectometry (part 2)
4. Impedance matching circuits design with Microwave Office
4.1 Resistors, capacitors and inductors at RF Circuits
4.2 L-section matching.
4.3 L-section matching using measurement ports
4.4 Analysing series RLC circuits using Impedance Smith Chart
4.5 Analysis of parallel RLC using Admittance Smith Chart
4.6 Impedance Matching with series capacitors and series inductors
4.7 Impedance Matching with shunt capacitors and shunt inductors
4.8 Impedance matching on Smith chart with series and parallel elements( RL>RS)
4.9 Impedance matching on Smith chart with series and parallel elements ( RL
4.10 Comparison of different topologies of matching networks including return loss (S11) vs frequency and insertion loss (S21) vs frequency. 3dB-bandwidth and Q
4.11 Designing matching networks with specific Q. Comparison of frequency response of T and L-matching networks
4.12 Designing matching networks with specific Q. Three-element matching, Pi-networks. Design of pi-matching and L-matching network with iMatch in MWO
4.13 Matching any two complex terminations on the smith chart
4.14 Transmission line matching with open and short circuited transmission line stubs
5. Amplifier Design using Microwave Office
5.1 BJT Amplifier Design Part 1. I-V characterisation of BJTs.
5.2 BJT Amplifier Design Part 2. RF chokes, how to select their value.
5.3 Amplifier Stability Part 1. Gain Variation versus frequency
5.4 Amplifier Stability Part 2. Stabilisation though reactive emitter degeneration
5.5 Unilateral Match-Design input and output matching networks for amplifiers
5.6 Simultaneous Conjugate Match Part 1. Achieving maximum small-signal gain using GM1 and GM2, Design of distributed matching networks
5.7 Simultaneous Conjugate Match Part 2. Broadband gain profile
5.8 Operating Gain Circles Part 1. Writing 2-port S-parameter files (.s2p) and using them for amplifier design
5.9 Operating Gain Circles Part 2. Amplifier design for a specific gain with an unstable device
5.10 Available Gain Circles. Amplifier design for a specific gain with an unstable device using available gain circles (GACIR)