ADS workspace and Simulators Training
- 个人专业版
- U盾版
- 企业版
- 价格
- 99元
- 189元
- 269元
全长近三个小时视频培训课程,英文原声讲解,主要讲授ADS最新 工作环境、工程结构以及ADS中各种射频电路/系统仿真器的使用。课程分4节,每节分别包含课程内容讲解和ADS设计操作演示讲解两部分,课程设计使用的软件版本为ADS2012,适合ADS2011之后各版本ADS软件的学习。课程具体内容如下:
Lecture 1: Using the workspace
The first part covers the basic use model of ADS: Workspaces, libraries, cells, deigning a low-pass filter, plotting the data and tuning component parameters.
Lab 1: Workspaces, Filter Design, and Tuning
This Lab video covers basic structure of ADS workspaces, libraries and cells, including basic design capture, tuning, simulation, and displaying data for analysis.
Lecture 2: Libraries, Models and Data
The second part covers more basics about using ADS, including wiring, using PDK libraries, working with cells, symbols, models and simulation datasets and more.
Lab 2: PDK Filter, Symbols, and Simulation Data
This Lab gives more details about the workspace structure, libraries and cells, including dynamic model selection and symbol creation.
Lecture 3: Linear Simulators
The third part covers basics about using the linear simulators: DC, AC and S-Parameter in various ways. Also more about simulation tools, models, design guides and other settings.
Lab 3: FET Amplifier Design and Linear Analysis
This Lab gives more schematic capture, DC and AC simulation, more on libraries and cells, using Templates, Design Guides, data display plots and equations.
Lecture 4: Non-Linear Simulators
The last part covers Transient and Harmonic Balance, simple system components, displaying data, writing equations, and using ADS examples.
Lab 4: RF System and Non-Linear Analysis
This Lab covers basic system components with circuit components, Harmonic Balance 1-tone analysis, design guides, examples, data display plots and equations.



开户行: 招商银行上海市曹杨支行
户 名: 李 明 洋
帐 号: 9555500216958529

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- E-mail:mweda@163.com
- 电 话:13761612886 (微信同手机号)