• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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Abstract:A novel dual-passband filter was designed to ensure a multimode terminal can be shared inwireless communication system operating at different frequency channels. The coupled matrix of the filter was extracted using synthesis technique of poles and zeros, the conversion from traditional waveguide structure to SIW was realized by dint of experiential formula, At last, the dual-passband filter was real- ized using the substrate integrate waveguide cavity resonators. The simulated results show that the return loss is better than 15dB and the insertion lower is greater than 1.8dB and the isolation between two-chan- nel is better than 13dB.Compared with conventional rectangle waveguide dual-passband filter, this struc-ture has many advantages such as low cost, light weight, compact size and easy fabrication.

作者:申凯, 雷坚, 许冰,

关键词:双通带滤波器, 传输零点, 基片集成波导, 耦合矩阵

学习掌握微波滤波器设计,敬请关注: 微波滤波器设计培训课程


