• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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基于CSRR的SIW和 HMSIW小型化滤波器设计

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基于CSRR的SIW和 HMSIW小型化滤波器设计

内容简介:为了实现滤波器的小型化,通过在基片集成波导(SIW)和半模基片集成波导(HMSIW)上表面加载互补开口谐振环(CSRR)可以降低原来的截止频率,并分析了 CSRR 参数变化与单元个数对传输性能的影响,从而设计了小型化的 CSRR-SIW和 CSRR-HMSIW滤波器。测量结果显示 HMSIW滤波器的相对带宽是SIW滤波器的3倍以上,约为10.24%,而有效电路面积仅为SIW滤波器的一半,为31.8×11.3 mm2。测量结果与仿真结果基本吻合,验证了滤波器设计的有效性,2种滤波器可以广泛应用于微波毫米波系统中。

Abstract:In order to realize the miniaturization of filter,a complementary split ring resonator (CSRRs)is loaded on the upper-surface of substrate integrated waveguide (SIW)and half-mode substrate integrated waveguide (HMSIW)to reduce the original cutoff frequency.This paper analyzes the influence of parame-ter variation and element number of CSRR on the transmition performance so as to design novel miniature filters of SIW and HMSIW integrated CSRRs.The measurements show that the relative bandwidth of HMSIW filter is more than three times as wide as that of CSRR-SIW filter,i.e.about 10.24%,and the ef-fective circuit area of it is only 31.8×11.3mm2,i.e.about half of that of CSRR-SIW filter.The result shows that the designed filters are effective,and these two kinds of filters can be widely used in microwave and millimeter-wave systems.

作者:赵杰, 李丹, 童创明, 邹雄,

关键词:互补开口谐振环, 截止频率, 基片集成波导, 小型化

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