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请教---Hspice的RUNLVL=5 与6精度差多少?

录入:edatop.com    阅读:
在方Dynamic Latched comparator Vos时,用Hspice 跑3000次MONTE CARLO.
Hspice中.OPTION RUNLVL=5 比 RUNLVL=6的仿真速度快好几倍,但是,不知道精度损失大不大?



When .OPTION RUNLVL=0 is set, HSPICE uses the  traditional control option
values. These values aim for superior accuracy

Controls the speed and accuracy trade-off.
It canbe set to 0,1,2,3,4,5,6. Higher values of RUNLVL result in higher accuracy and longer simulation times, while lower values give lower accuracy and faster simulation runtimes.
RUNLVL=0 turns off this algorithm.
RUNLVL=1 is the lowest simulation runtime.
RUNLVL=3 is the default (similar to original HSPICE default mode).
RUNLVL=5, 6 correspond to the HSPICE standard accurate mode.
For most circuits, RUNLVL=5 is similar to the HSPICE standard
accurate mode.

RUNLVL = x Controls the speed and accuracy trade-off. It can
be set to 0,1,2,3,4,5,6. Higher values of RUNLVL
result in higher accuracy and longer simulation
times, while lower values give lower accuracy and
faster simulation runtimes.
RUNLVL=0 turns off this algorithm.
RUNLVL=1 is the lowest simulation runtime.
RUNLVL=3 is the default (similar to original
HSPICE default mode).
RUNLVL=5, 6 correspond to the HSPICE
standard accurate mode. For most circuits,
RUNLVL=5 is similar to the HSPICE standard
accurate mode.

    1-3 for digital circuit

有辦法 中間 改變 runlvl 嗎
前面如果須要很長 ramp up time ..
是否可以前面降低 accuracy
後面再拉高 ?


下一篇:hspice 里怎么用蒙特卡洛方法产生4个不一样的随机数?

