Cadnene 仿真问题
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Cadence 仿真时出现如下错误,是路径的问题么?怎么解决呢?请大侠解答!小弟菜鸟一枚不胜感激!
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-396): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_resistor.scs" 1146: Model `ndio' has already been defined.
ERROR (SFE-396): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_resistor.scs" 1164: Model `pdio' has already been defined.
Created directory input.ahdlSimDB/ (775)
Created directory input.ahdlSimDB/bsource_1.input.ahdlcmi/ (775)
Created directory input.ahdlSimDB/bsource_1.input.ahdlcmi/Linux2.6.18-194.el5+gcc/ (775)
Compiling ahdlcmi module library.
Error found by spectre during AHDL read-in.
ERROR (VACOMP-1008): Cannot compile ahdlcmi module library. Check the log file input.ahdlSimDB/bsource_1.input.ahdlcmi/Linux2.6.18-194.el5+gcc/../ahdlcmi.out for details. If the compiler ran out of memory, use 'setenv CDS_CMI_COMPLEVEL 0', and try again. If the reason for the failure was a syntax error, contact your Cadence Customer Support representative with the netlist, log files, behavioral model files, and any other information that can help identify the problem.
Warning from spectre in `i1.m1.ressnpoly_rg':`i1.m1.xrg', in `g45n1hvt':`i1.m1', in `int_schematic':`i1', during hierarchy flattening.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `temp' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `tnom' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `bs_par_0' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `bs_par_1' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `bs_par_2' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
Time for Elaboration: CPU = 960.854 ms, elapsed = 10.1468 s.
Time accumulated: CPU = 4.37633 s, elapsed = 16.4627 s.
Peak resident memory used = 55 Mbytes.
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-396): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_resistor.scs" 1146: Model `ndio' has already been defined.
ERROR (SFE-396): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_resistor.scs" 1164: Model `pdio' has already been defined.
Created directory input.ahdlSimDB/ (775)
Created directory input.ahdlSimDB/bsource_1.input.ahdlcmi/ (775)
Created directory input.ahdlSimDB/bsource_1.input.ahdlcmi/Linux2.6.18-194.el5+gcc/ (775)
Compiling ahdlcmi module library.
Error found by spectre during AHDL read-in.
ERROR (VACOMP-1008): Cannot compile ahdlcmi module library. Check the log file input.ahdlSimDB/bsource_1.input.ahdlcmi/Linux2.6.18-194.el5+gcc/../ahdlcmi.out for details. If the compiler ran out of memory, use 'setenv CDS_CMI_COMPLEVEL 0', and try again. If the reason for the failure was a syntax error, contact your Cadence Customer Support representative with the netlist, log files, behavioral model files, and any other information that can help identify the problem.
Warning from spectre in `i1.m1.ressnpoly_rg':`i1.m1.xrg', in `g45n1hvt':`i1.m1', in `int_schematic':`i1', during hierarchy flattening.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `temp' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `tnom' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `bs_par_0' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `bs_par_1' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
WARNING (SFE-30): "/home/ZZW/PDK/GPDK/gpdk045_v3.5/gpdk045/../models/spectre/gpdk045_mos.scs" 51390: i1.m1.xrg.r1: `bs_par_2' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `bsource_1'. Ignored.
Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed.
Time for Elaboration: CPU = 960.854 ms, elapsed = 10.1468 s.
Time accumulated: CPU = 4.37633 s, elapsed = 16.4627 s.
Peak resident memory used = 55 Mbytes.
"gpdk045_resistor.scs" model 没找到