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应用于 C波段的宽带圆极化微带天线设计

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应用于 C波段的宽带圆极化微带天线设计

内容简介:圆极化天线具有可接收任意极化电磁波的优点而被广泛使用,为满足通信需求,宽带圆极化天线应运而生。通过对矩形贴片天线进行结构调整得到一种新型宽带圆极化天线,使用电磁仿真软件CST对此天线进行全波时域仿真分析。仿真结果表明,该天线工作频段为3.8~8.1 GHz,在通带内轴比参数AR<3的带宽为4~8 GHz,有效地拓宽了带宽。

Abstract:Circularly polarized antenna, which has advantages in receiving arbitrary polarization electromagnetic wave, is used widely.And the creation of broadband circularly polarized antenna meets the current communication demands.This paper introduces a novel broadband circularly polarized antenna by restructuring the rectangular patch antenna, and then applies CST, the electromagnetic simulation software, to do a full-wave and time-domain simulation analysis to this novel antenna.The simulation results show that the novel broadband circularly polarized antenna operates from 3.8 GHz to 8.1 GHz, and its band range within the passband axis ratio ( AR) parameter AR<3 is from 4 GHz to 8GHz.That is to say the band range is broaded effciently.

作者:胡文龙, 姜弢,

关键词:圆极化天线, 宽带, 轴比, 谐振枝节, 表面电流分布,




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