- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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内容简介:设计了具有双频段工作特性的微机械微带天线,该天线适用于蜂窝通信及个人通信系统.其10dB带宽达到了8%以上,辐射效率为78%,天线长度小于1/16波长.首次将三维H-MRTD (the Haar-Wavelet-Based multiresolution time domain)全波分析方法应用于该天线的建模和分析,并将H-MRTD 数值计算公式推广到了非均匀有耗媒质中.数值模拟结果同传统FDTD方法及实验结果进行了比较,结果表明,每个波长只需取较少的空间离散网格,三维H-MRTD时域全波分析方法便能较精确地模拟微机械微带天线,并能有效地减少CPU计算时间及节省计算机内存.
Abstract:The novel MEMS microstrip antenna designed in this paper is very useful in cellular or PCS applications where two distinct frequency ranges exist for transmitting and receiving. The 10dB bandwidth and efficiency of the micromachined antenna are more than 8% and 78% respectively, the length is less than 1/16 wavelength. The Haar-Wavelet-Based multiresolution time domain (H-MRTD) is used for modeling and analyzing the antenna for the first time. In addition, the mathematical formulae are extended to an inhomogenous media. Numerical simulation results are compared to those using the conventional 3-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and measured. It has been demonstrated that, with this technique, space discretization with only a few cells per wavelength gives accurate results, leading to a reduction of both memory requirement and computation time.
作者:余文革, 钟先信, 巫正中,
关键词:H-FDTD 方法, FDTD 方法, 微带天线, 微电子机械系统, UPML 吸收边界条件,