- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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内容简介:首先介绍了天线罩常见外形、分类和罩壁形式;其次采用电磁波反射、透射和等效传输线理论,建立了分析功率传输系数和计算插入相位移的方法;最后给出了石英氰酸酯平板宽频特性测试流程和结果,理论和测试结果共同验证了等效传输线理论的正确性,平板尺寸0.976 m×0.976 m×0.0018 m,测试频段1.2~18 GHz,测试水平方位角-40o~40o内,石英氰酸酯平均功率传输系数均大于60%,表现出了良好的宽频特性;测试结果为天线罩蒙皮材料的选择提供了参考数据。
Abstract:This paper firstly describes common shapes, types and wall constructions of the radome, then with equivalent transmission line theory gives and analyzes the test procedures and results of Quartz/CE plat in 0. 976 mí0. 976 mí0. 001 8 m dimensions. Measurements are performed from 1. 2 to 18 GHz in 0. 5 GHz steps, and from -40o to 40o in 1o. Both theoretical and test results indicate the correctness of transmission line theory, and test results also simultaneously provide a reference data for skin material se-lection in radome design.
作者:李高生, 明永晋,
关键词:等效传输线理论, 石英氰酸酯, 天线罩,