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Abstract:The deployment precision of satellite antenna plate influences orbit accuracy significantly. Deployment accuracy is affected by many factors, of which the errors from processing and assembly are dif-ficult to avoid and with uncertainty, and need be studied by using statistical and probabilistic methods. This paper analyzes the influence on the deployment precision of the satellite mechanism which is caused by the lock angle deviation of lockable joints equipped on the antenna support mechanism, establish the dynamic model, extract the analysis results for static analysis on the finite element model to get nodes deformation, and defines the deviation of the antenna flatness and pointing direction to measure the deformation of the antenna plate. Based on the given hinge locking error distribution, the paper uses Monte Carlo method to get a precision probability distribution of the deployed antenna, which is fitted and verified to be a normal dis-tribution;and can be a basis of reliability design and improvement of the antenna deployment accuracy.

作者:吴建云, 王春洁, 汪瀚,

关键词:卫星天线板, 蒙特卡洛法, 锁定偏差, 精度分析,




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