- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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内容简介:针对现有无线电 S波段引信天线带宽较窄,难以应用到宽频无线电引信上,提出了底层开槽宽频带微带引信天线。该天线设计应用 Vivek实验理论,对原有天线底层进行开槽处理,改善电抗耦合特性,使得电抗性能在一定的谐振频率范围内稳定。经仿真与测试表明该宽频天线能有效增加天线的带宽,使带宽由100M高到400 MHz,驻波比、增益、方向图等参数均能很好地应用到宽频引信上,且结构简单紧凑。
Abstract:For the existing radio fuze antennas of S-band,due to their bandwidth limitation,are hardly applied on broadband radio fuze.One kind of broadband microstrip fuze antenna was designed in this paper.The anten-na based on the Vivek experiment theory improved reactance coupling characteristic by taking the substrate slot process on original antenna and enhanced the stability of reactance performance of certain resonance frequency range.The simulation and testing result indicated that the broadband antenna could effectively increase the bandwidth from 100 MHz to 400 MHz.The VSWR,gain antenna pattern and other parameters copuld be well applied to broadband fuze and the structure was simple and compact.
作者:韩东波, 张玉波, 刘瑶华,
关键词:微带天线, 频带, 底层开槽,