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内容简介:卫星上天线尺寸越来越大,在轨展开后会对太阳翼产生遮挡。文章给出一种检测太阳翼电池片所受遮挡的方法。此方法首先分别提取天线和太阳翼电池片三维模型的STL(Stereo Lithographic)格式数据信息,STL数据包括三角形网格的法向矢量和三角形3个顶点的位置信息。然后根据需要对电池片的STL数据进行插值处理,并按照太阳翼转动角度和太阳光与太阳翼法向夹角的变化对天线的STL数据进行后续处理。之后,判断电池片的三角形网格与天线三角形网格的几何位置关系,建立太阳翼遮挡模型。该模型不须提供天线的参数信息,只需要三维模型即可完成遮挡分析。

Abstract:With the size of satellite antenna's being bigger, it is inevitable that the antenna shades the solar array when it deploys in-orbit. This paper gives a method of occlusion detection of solar cells which on solar array. First, STL (Stereo Lithographic) data in antenna and solar cells' three-dimensional model are extracted. The STL data contain normal vector information and posi- tion of triangle grids. Then interpolation in the solar cells' STL data is finished on demand, and the antenna's STL data are handled according to solar arrays' rotation angle and the angle be- tween sunlight and normal vector of solar array. Finally, a model of occlusion detection is estab- lished by judging position relation between solar cells' triangles and antenna's triangles which are gotten from STL data. This method needs only the solar cells' and the antenna's three-dimen- sional model, and doesn't need the antenna's parameters.

作者:徐春生, 肖应廷, 孙治国, 刘丽坤,

关键词:可展开天线, 太阳电池片, STL数据, 遮挡检测,




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