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内容简介:设计了一种可展宽频带的U型切角天线。将U型贴片天线进行切角处理,改变天线的结构与电流路径,可以有效展宽天线频带,并使其具有良好的阻抗匹配特性。采用HFSS15.0软件对天线模型进行仿真分析,对切角的长度、宽度进行优化,给出了天线的反射系数S11与U型槽尺寸和切角尺寸间的关系。结果表明,优化后的U型切角天线覆盖了整个2.4~2.5 GHz频带范围,电压驻波比VSWR≤2的相对带宽为19%,天线增益达到7 dB,波束宽度为83o左右。

Abstract:A U-shaped antenna with corners that could expand bandwidth was designed. Because of cutting away two corners, the structure and the current path of the antenna were changed. The bandwidth of the new antenna was expanded and a good impedance matching was obtained. HFSS15.0 software was used to simulate and analysis the antenna model, in which the length and width of the corner were optimized. A parametric study was carried out to investigate the effects of different size parameters of the corner and the U-slot on reflection coefficient (S11) of antenna. The proposed antenna’s simulated relative bandwidth of VSWR≤2 reaches 19%, covering the whole frequency range suit for 2.4-2.5 GHz. Moreover, the gain of the antenna reaches 7 dB and the beam width is about 83o.

作者:曾文杰, 蔡冬梅, 吴奎, 刘建霞, 贾鹏,

关键词:U型贴片天线, 展宽频带, 电压驻波比, 波束宽, 反射系数, 切角,




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