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内容简介:介绍了6 m多长、分成三段的板线传输线馈电网络的研制。由于段与段之间采用了电缆连接,电缆的损耗、相位与板线之间不一致,在电流分配到各个端口时除了要考虑互耦、板线传输线的损耗和相位,还必须补偿电缆带来的损耗和相位差。此馈电网络的指标在15%带宽内插损小于1.0 dB,34个输出口的幅度在带内起伏度为:≤±0.15 dB,各输出端口间相位的一致性:≤±2°,归一化后A实测-A理论≤0.15 dB。用三条行馈组成的小面阵天线在优于15%频带、垂直方向±10°扫描范围内,其水平方向副瓣峰值电平低于-35 dB。

Abstract:A description about the research of stripline feeding network which is over six meters long and divided into three segments is given.The segments are connected with cables.The loss and phrase of the cables are different with those of the striplines.Therefore,when distributing the current to all the ports,the loss and phrase difference caused by such cables should be compensated,in addition to the loss and phrase difference caused by mutual coupling.The basic specification of such feeding network is: Insertion power loss within 15% bandwidth is less than 1.0 dB.The waviness of 34 outputs within the band is no more than ± 0.15 dB.The phrase uniformity between different outputs is no more than ± 2°;ATest-AThory ≤0.15 dB after normalization.The peak sidelobe level on the horizontal direction of a small antenna array consisting of three row feed is less than-35 dB when the bandwidth is over 15% and the scanning range ± 10° is in vertical direction.

作者:樊品, 石恒和,

关键词:馈电网络, 分段, 电缆连接, 互耦, 低副瓣,




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