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RFID Tag for 13.56MHz in CST

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I really need help with RFID in CST!
If anyone has an example of RFID for 13.56 MHz using CST? I can not get good results.Lack of experience with the CST.
Please, post something.
Best regards,


What problems do you have?
Can you explain it in more detail?

i can calculate far filed and Z matrix i need to model anttena coils at 13.56 Hz or get spice model to simulate matching circuit of the anttena

You have a far field tag at 13.56MHz?
Mostly RFID systems at 13.5MHz are inductive near field systems. Thus the far field is not of concern but the magnetic field in the near field.
I don't know if you need the Z matrix for such a system and how the matching is done. But more or less this is a sort of an air transformer. Thus it doesn't work after the usual antenna theory where you are in the far field.

This is really simple. The model isR and L in series. You can get the values from the complex input impedance Z11.
Z11 = Zin = R + iX
where X = ω*L
and ω = 2 * pi * 13.56 MHz

Please help.
I can't open this file. I have CST 2011.

Dear Makel sander you can open it by the Microwave studio

申明:网友回复良莠不齐,仅供参考。如需专业学习,请查看13.56MHz NFC/RFID天线设计培训课程


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