- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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内容简介:设计了两款可以应用于早期乳腺肿瘤超宽带微波检测技术的超宽带天线。两款天线均为平面单极天线,分别由叉形、三角形金属贴片和槽口金属接地板构成,采用微带线对其进行馈电。经过仿真优化,两款天线的-10 dB回波损耗频率覆盖范围分别为4~10 GHz和5~10 GHz,且在此带宽内具有良好的全向性。对叉形极子天线进行了实物测量,试验数据与仿真结果相吻合。两款天线体积小、结构简单、加工简便,能够较好地满足微波成像检测乳腺肿瘤技术中天线阵列的设计要求。
Abstract:Two kinds of ultra-wideband planar monopole antennas which can be applied in ultra-wideband microwave imaging for object detection are proposed.Both antennas have omnidirectional patterns and large bandwidth.The-10dB return loss bandwidth of the antennas are 4~10 GHz and 5~10 GHz,respectively.The experimental data of the fork fed antenna meets with the simulation result very well.The antennas are compact and therefore well suited to integration into an antenna array in ultra-wideband breast cancer detection system.
作者:任中岳, 肖夏, 单兴锰,
关键词:超宽带天线, 宽槽天线, 乳腺肿瘤检测, 小型化,