- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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Abstract:In order to conveniently calculate the electric radiation field of impulse radiation antenna with parabolic reflector, an analytical expression of the radiation in time domain was obtained. The expression was derived by using mirror image method based on the field expression of arbitrary wire antennas obtained by the tensor method. An ultra-wideband {UWB) electromagnetic pulse experiment system was built for the purpose of verification. The system used transverse electromagnetic (TEM) horn antenna to measure the radiation field generated by impulse radiation antenna(IRA). The tested results were compared with the radiation field in calculated time domain. It is found that the analytically calculated field waveforms are in good agreement with the experiment results, the peakto-peak error is less than 1 V, and the rise-time error is not more than 5 ps. Consequenly the validity of analytical calculation is proved.
作者:王赟, 陈永光, 王庆国, 范丽思,
关键词:电磁脉冲, 辐射波电磁脉冲模拟器, 冲击脉冲幅射天线, 横电磁波喇叭天线, 双指数脉冲, 镜像法,