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How to determine phase shift in AEL
I'll be going through a fairly big amount of data, so I thought it would be useful if some of the data from certain configurations could be filtered away. For my filter, I figure I would need to know the phase shift of a probed signal in reference to some other reference.
So what's the best and easiest way to do this in AEL? I've done some search and found that most people would use Fourier Transforms. I know AEL does not have that in it's math library. So what else am I left with?
There are phase(), unwrap(), fs() and ts() functions that might be useful.
I looked at the list of AEL functions and of the functions you mentioned, the phase is the only one that is listed. If I were to search them, though, all of their documentation page shows up.
Alright, I think I got what I need, though I'm still new to Phasors. So unwrap(phase(S1), 2*pi) means given angular frequency, time and initial phase, we get an angle "modulo-ed" to 2*pi ??
As you can tell I'm not Electrical Engineer.
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