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How to import standard PCB layout layers in ADS
I am making PCB layout in ADS(2011.10). I would like to know how to import all standard layers of PCB (i.e top, bottom, silk screen) in ADS.
After exporting the layout to gerber, it will generate data in the format of " layer.gbr " (where layer is defined by me in the layout window ). Can I give this data to PCB manufacturer ?
Is there any standard procedure to make layout in ADS ?
Hello Mukul,
Naming conventions for PCB standard layers can vary between tools, and companies. ADS is very easy to customize by going to the Options Menu and then navigating to the Technology selection, and then the Layer Definitions menu pick. One can add layers with the desired naming convention. If you already have Gerbers with the desired naming convention, then just by doing a file import Gerber to bring in those gerber files will add the layers either to a new library or if selected, to an existing workspace library.
Exporting Gerber/Drill files in 274x format or ODB++ can be used for sending data to the PCB manufacturer. Just be sure to include a readme file that describes each layer and if it is a negative or positive image. Copper plane ground or power layers are easier to draw as a negative (ie where one does not want copper around vias) but when sending out Gerbers the fabricator may need the positive image. I typically use the Edit menu Boolean Logical operations to subtract the negative layer from a positive layer to get the final positive layer. The Boolean Logical operations, along with the oversize/undersize edit options can be very useful when creating PCB layouts.
Hello Heidi_Barnes,
I got your point. So I have to manually define the layers in ads and export it in gerber format. This will generate gerber data in the form of "layer1.gbr", "layer2.gbr", "layer3.gbr" ..... etc and
I have to explain all layers to manufacturer also.
Is this a correct way to do layout in ADS ?
上一篇:plotting help
下一篇:Importing Waveform Data
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