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ADS Simulation Models from Qorvo

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I am currently working on a student thesis for which I need to simulate different RF amplifiers in ADS from Keysight. Therefore I would like to know if it's possible to get the nonlinear simulation models of the GaAs transistorsTGF2018 … TGF2160 (see../img/keysight/ADS2020-103-ErrorPage.html The simulation is for educational purposes only as they are a main part of my student thesis. I've already found ADS models of some Qorvo parts (mainly GaN devices) within the Modelithics data base but these devices are not suitable for my design task. It would be even better if these models provide access to the internal nodes (as presented in the following tutorial:How to Design an RF Power Amplifier: Class J - YouTube(https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DN0dLVMoVQSI%26list%3DPLtq84kH8xZ9HIYgBYDsP7TbqBpftidzI8%26index%3D5)).I would be gladif anyone knows whereto get such device models. I've already contacted Qorvo directly but unfortunatelythey didn't answer me back.

With kind regards,

Valentin Grams

The models would need to be provided by Qorvo; Keysight does not have a database of such models. Sorry you did not get a response from Qorvo; perhaps you could try again, or find another contact point.

If you have access to the raw DC-IV and S-parameter data, you could try to do a device model parameter extraction using IC-CAP.

I am also doing a similar project to simulate some log based RF power detector made by ANALOG DEVICES. You should try to get the SPICE files of the product if available that would make it much more easy. And also if you could help me in simulating a Schottkey diode based RF power detector..i have made the model but stuck with the simulations

Just call EEsof support. 1-800-HPEESOF.


上一篇:How to define statistical design parameter value using touchstone datafile
下一篇:How does UWB Environment work?

