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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > How to define statistical design parameter value using touchstone datafile

How to define statistical design parameter value using touchstone datafile

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Hello All,
I am using ADS2011 and using ADS Monte Carlo simulator. I am trying to specify statistical parameter values using touchstone data files, but keep getting the an error.

The problem is that a certain value from the data file only becomes available after completing the simulation. However, I am trying to read parameter values from data files, that are needed during the simulation.

Is there a way to solve this problem? I seems to be a rather simple problem.


I recommend that you review an ADS example: Tutorial/DataAccess_wrk. It probably has something close to what you want to do.


上一篇:VtDataset "file does not exist"
下一篇:ADS Simulation Models from Qorvo

