- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
How can I display Gain circles, available Gain circles, noise figure circles in ADS?
My question might be very silly because it is very basic soI appreciate any help
I add the items: GaCircles, GpCircles, GsCircles and GlCircles in schematic.
I ran simulation at 1 Single freq point and I kept getting 2-dB Gain circle only!
Same thing happens when I ran simulation for 3 freq points.
I want to see how it changes with different gains maybe 8 or 10 or 12 dB
I don't know how to call out the Noise Figure circle on Smith chart and display different level of NF
Maybe I have to add some equations and some particular syntax
Thank you
Ga Gp Gs NF circles Plot Q1.JPG
Ga Gp Gs NF circles Q1.JPG
I answered this question last week in the context of a Technical Support query.
上一篇:Preserved the PAD when doing EM co-simulation
下一篇:OOK modulation in ADS
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