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Simulation problem in ADS software

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When we simulate our circuit in ADS software then error message is shown and error message is- 'MOSFET1'is an instance of an undefined model MOSFET1'. So tell me how I remove this error for simulation of our circuit.

#simulation problem



Is this with a component library? The library should habe another element like "Model include" or similar, that tells ADS to load the model definitions for this library. This include element needs to be placed onto your schematic.

Example how this looks like for Murata library:


When you use one of the ADS built-in non-linear devices, in this case you appear to be trying to use a MOSFET, you also need to place the appropriate Model symbol in the schematic. All the available devices and the relevant models are available in the same set of palettes in the ADS schematic view.

So for example if you place a MOSFET_NMOS device you also need to place a model, like the BSIM3_Model, whatever is required by your application. The two are linked by specifying the Model parameter on the NMOS symbol,shown in the followingexample, to the component ID of the selected model symbol.



When I simulate our circuit in ADS software then it shows a error message &

error message is "MOSFET1 is an instance of an undefined model MOSFETM1".

As you said in our previous mail that we also place a symbol other than a

schematic, I also done this but it also show same error i.e., MOSFET1 is an

instance of an undefined model MOSFETM1".

You can select any MOSFET Model from the palettes, any model of MOSFET is

not working and I also define the width and length of MOSFET by using

properties but same error is shown.

So tell me how I simulate our circuit in ADS because I try many times but

same error occurs during simulation time.


You can see the following error message while simulation of my circuit in





The error message does not give any clue as to the exact mistake you are making in setting upyour schematic. They only say that something is wrong in the referencing of the model element from the transistor elementitself. This type of error is always due to either the model symbol being missing entirely (not placed)or the "Model" parameter on the transistor not specifying the IDof theappropriate model item correctly (wrong name). This would be easy to solve if you shared your schematic, or at least the portion of the schematic showing the transistor and the corresponding model component.


Now I am sending you my whole circuit diagram which I want to simulate for

finding the S-Parameters. Here in my circuit diagram I use Philips MOS

Model 9, NMOS but if I choose another model from the Palette of Devices-Mos

then the same error is shown everything time means that I used all the

Models which is given in the palette of Devices- Mos, everytime error is

same no simulation is done.

I also made a video in which I give you the brief of my problem, you see

that video and you finds the exact problem why my circuit diagram is not


So in video I use Philips M9 NMOS model and in photo I use BSIM4 NMOS model

but error message is same.

I also made another video in which I use BSIM4 NMOS model but mail capacity

limit is only 25MB that's why I only send you circuit diagram photo and

error message photo in which I use BSIM4 NMOS model.

So in this mail I ssen you the error message proof which shows during

simulation when we use two different model one by one in my simulation and

any model you use but error is same.

So please try to help me as soon as possible because this is my B.Tech

final year project and I have to submit the simulation results and Hardware

of my project in coming 3-4 days.

Please try to communicate fast in email, so that we find the error fast

when I share my problem and you reply fast then error is easily find out.






As I suggested you are NOT placing the correct model symbol in the schematic. You have simply placed an extra transistor symbol and not connected it to the circuit.

Device models are symbols, usually with a rectangle drawn around it, have no pins and are designated with "M" character on the palette bitmap. Model component names are usually in the form *_Model, see the schematic image I attached in my earlier post. Transistor devices and appropriate models for each are grouped together in the component palettes.

Place the correct transistor (one or more of the same is fine) and the appropriate model then specify the Model parameter on the transistor symbol to the ID of the model symbol, see red arrow on my previous post, to link the two together and the error should no longer occur.


The previous error is now remove but how I find that this transistor have

that Model or can we use any transistor with any Model.

And one more question is that how I define transistor length, width, and

other parameters of that particular transistor which I use in the circuit

because I want to get around 15dB gain in my project, so how I find that

which transistor give that 15dB (around) gain with that particular model.

And for around 15dB gain, what the transistor different parameters like

length, width, etc. So how I find these parameters.

And thank you sir for solving my previous problem.


On Thu 28 Mar, 2019, 12:40 PM sdgrant, <>


上一篇:67 GHz dipole antenna simulation problem
下一篇:Any advice how to create s2p-component which is ready for emCosim

