• 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > Is there any way to emulate the large signal time domain of FET....

Is there any way to emulate the large signal time domain of FET....

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Dear All

Is there any way to emulate the large signal time domain of FET using real time active load-pull techniques in ADS 2011.10?
If this is possible, it will be worth it, if there is example.

Thank you in advance

You can plot steady-state time-domain waveforms such as drain current and voltage from a load pull simulation. However, not all models output the intrinsic drain voltage and current. With load pull simulations, you can set the load reflection coefficient to 1 (or even higher with modifications to the setup.)

Thank you so much Aehoward for your answer I will check it


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