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How to set the conductor layer of the substrate??

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Hi, I am doing a CPWG momentum simulation.

Here is my substrate setting.
For the conductor layer, I choose the "Intrude into substrate" because I think the thickness of the conductor is important for my design.


It indicated that "If the physical thickness is relevant, for example with a narrow gap between two thick metals, then use "intrude" so that the microstrip conductor extends into the air above. For most other microstrip where the physical thickness does not change the fields, use "sheet".")

But there are two warnings when I do the simulation:
1. "Layout healing changed the layout. The actual highest aggregate snap distance was 0.04 mm.
Further details have been written to the DRC report."
I don't know if my layout have any problem.But when I turn off the "heal the layout", the warning then disappear.

2."The 2D port solver data is not available for thick conductor feedlines, using default values (50 Ohm)
for the transmission line parameters. "
I think it is because I choose "intrude into substrate" for the conductor layer. This is indeed the case, for when I choose the "sheet" for the conductor layer, the warning then disappears.
But the results are different between these two settings:
I do the em cosimulation, and here is my schematic and result :
Which result is more similar to the real measurement??

There is a warning when I do the cosimulation:
"Warning detected by hpeesofsim during SP analysis `SP1'.
COMPONENT `I__3.em_data':
Model data retrieved from "
What does the warning mean??

Thanks for all the reply~~




heal the layout.png



> For the conductor layer, I choose the "Intrude into substrate" because I think the thickness of the conductor is important for my design.


> But there are two warnings when I do the simulation:
> 1. "Layout healing changed the layout. The actual highest aggregate snap distance was 0.04 mm.
> Further details have been written to the DRC report."
> I don't know if my layout have any problem.But when I turn off the "heal the layout", the warning then disappear.

The layout healing made some minor modifications to your layout, to "clean" extra vertices or small gaps. Nothing to worry about this warning!

> 2."The 2D port solver data is not available for thick conductor feedlines, using default values (50 Ohm)
> for the transmission line parameters. "
> I think it is because I choose "intrude into substrate" for the conductor layer. This is indeed the case, for when I choose the "sheet" for the conductor layer, the warning then disappears.

Again, nothing to worry about. The 2D port solver is enabled by default in some older ADS releases and you will see this warning when you use any thick metal model. In the latest release it is switched off by default, so that you no longer see this warning.

> But the results are different between these two settings:
> I do the em cosimulation, and here is my schematic and result :
> (cosimulation.png)
> (result.png)
> Which result is more similar to the real measurement??

As you might expect, thick metal simulation is more accurate, because it is closer to the real world.

> There is a warning when I do the cosimulation:
> "Warning detected by hpeesofsim during SP analysis `SP1'.
> COMPONENT `I__3.em_data':
> Model data retrieved from
> What does the warning mean??

[Irony on] It means that ADS programmers didn't expect customers to actually *use* that emModel feature. [Irony off]
Nothing to worry about, again. The message tells you that the emModel has pre-existing data from a previous EM run, and that data from the cache is now used, instead of running the EM simulation again. So it basically tells us that the emModel does what it is designed to do: cache existing results and re-use them when the schematic simulation needs data for the EM block.

Hi volker:
Thanks for your reply.
Can I ask you another question about the em setup?

Again here is my design,which is an input matching of a power amplifier pcb board,
,and my em mesh setup.
I want to see the input impedance from port 1 at freq=2.14GHz.
The ref impedance of port 1 is 2.981+j*4.752 Ohm, and other ports are 50 Ohm

I don't know how to set up the mesh.
1. edge mesh
I see other online tutorial, and it mentioned that " If it is defined as Sheet then we need to use Edge Mesh as defined in point (5) later. Edge Mesh can be ignored if we are defined conductor as Thick conductor."
For the conductor layer, I choose the "Intrude into substrate", so is it OK if I don't choose the edge mesh??
But I have compared both the results, and there are some difference between them.
(Please see the pic1, where red point is without edge mesh,and blue point is with edge mesh.)
Which one is more similar to the result of measurement??

2. mesh reduction
The tutorial also mentioned that "Mesh reduction is a technology that automatically removes these redundant degrees of freedom, prior to the solution of the problem. Hence, it should have a negligible impact on the accuracy of the results."
I have compared both the results, and there are some difference between them.
(Please see the pic2, where both are with edge mesh, but red point is with mesh reduction,and blue point is without mesh reduction.)
Which one is more similar to the result of measurement??

3.transmission line mesh
I checked the box of transmission line mesh, but the Num of cells in width is 0 as default.
But the result has no difference.
When do we use the transmission line mesh??

Thanks for your reply~~






> (Please see the pic1, where red point is without edge mesh,and blue point is with edge mesh.)
> Which one is more similar to the result of measurement??

The general rule is: fines mesh is more accurate.

So you should have more accurate results with edge mesh.
If mesh reduction changes results, you should switch it off.

Regarding transmission line mesh, I see no need to use that.

Ok, I see.
It is more accurate with edge mesh and without mesh reduction.
Thanks for your reply.


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