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Draw SIW in ADS for Sweep purposes
i am wondering if ADS can not Support SIW (Substrate Integrated Waveguide) in advance in the editor.
what is the best way of drawing and designing siw in ADS Schematic for Sweep and Simulation in Momentum?
i just want to draw it the best and easy way. no matter simulation in schematic environment can be done or not.
draw siw and sweep parameters and simulate it in momentum is my problem.
can anyone explain a good way?
thankssss alot
You need to create a parameterized layout, and then use that for EM.
See my appnote an different methods of ADS parameterized layout:
Scaling the via fences will be a bit tricky. You might start with a simplified model, i.e. one long via bar instead of the via fence.
Hello sir volker, i have read that link entirely and carefully, i knew the first method but in another way of define new parameters in only the layout environment, and very thanks to the second method that i learnt it from you as a unforgettable memento!
Now can you guide me a bit more about that tricks about via holes for SIW?
Both one via array (via wall) and via fence (two row of via arrays).
Thanks in advance.
Hello bejing, the only solution that I know for scalable via array or via fence is: write AEL program code to draw the elements.
Here is an appnote to get started with AEL artwork:
and here I created an example, including a via array:
Good luck!
Thanks very much for you guidance, sir volker.
I must spend more time to implement AEL.
Do yoy think that it will cost to learn this methods to use SIW in ADS (2.5d planar) ? or it is better to define SIW in cst or HFSS (full wave 3d)?
or maybe you will promise me to use EMPro in conjunction with ADS to parametrize and simulate SIW structure?
Im thankful.
It is more efficient to implement cst over ads? Then i will spend my time for that instead of momentum.
I want to design a siw splitter.
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