- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
importing multiple (touchston)S1P in ads?
i already import a single file but i need to import all the file at a time so that i can compare the result so pleas help in this issue.
why is it important to import all the files at a time. you can import each file then make a graph with several measurements to compare the results.
you can import multiple S1P files and then do muliple data item simulation on your ads schematics. when you plot the graph, you can plot all into one graph so you can compare easily. hope it helps!
yes for this reason .
How i can import multiple S1P files and then do muliple data item simulation on ads schematics.Please tel me the step.
Because i need to plot all into one graph then easily can compare .
What I do usually is import all the s1p files then make several schematics and simulate each s1p alone. after that i export data from all simulations and plot them at external software (like dplot for example) in order to compare them.
you need to have multiple S1p on the same schematic and then you need to put port 1, port 2, ....port n and n is number of S1p files you have.
you can simulate all of it together. in data display server, just select S11 and add other parameters such as S22, S33 and Snn there! you should be able to see all in one graph that way!
Thanks you so much pragash and moh.haroun it works.
As for the only S11 I already used TDR front panel in ads .Now as i get S11 S22 and S33 all in one grafh now how to use TDR front panel in ads?
what is TDR front panel?
TDR is used in ADS for converting frequency domain S parameter into time domain S parameter.
I don't understand the question in #7. S11, S22, S33 are single port parameters. If you can convert S11, what's the problem with S22 and S33?
i can also convert S22 and S33 .but here i want to know how to convert them all at a time.as i attached the file it is in frequency domain now i want to convert it to time domain.when i am converting it only convert S11 or S22 or S33... not all at a time
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