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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > Is the S21 plot result given in the voltage ratio or the power ratio in ADS Momentum?

Is the S21 plot result given in the voltage ratio or the power ratio in ADS Momentum?

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Just a simple question. Is the S21 plot result we get from momentum in dB the voltage ratio or the power ratio? Is there a method to convert one to another in ADS?


S-Parameters are voltage ratios

S parameters are actually power-wave ratios [W]^1/2. You cannot assume that all you reference port impedances are the same. I know, I know, we all are working with Z0i=50 but I'm a little academy biased

To see the power of a certain node in your circuit you must give a name at the node, run the simulation and than from datadisplay you can write the expression dbm(nodename) than you can also plot this
see also

thanks for the replies. I did some tests on ADS and i think that S21 gives the voltage ratio when we display the S21 in terms of its magnitude (V0/V1). But if we display the S21 in terms of dB, it's converted into 20*log(V0/V1), so the plot in dB is the same for power or voltage, since the power in dB is 10*log(P0/P1) and P0=V^2.

hope i didnt have a huge misconception here.

Yes, this is correct.

Chinaski mentioned the special case where you have mixed reference impedances, and then it gets a little bit more complex. But for the normal case with identical reference impedance on all ports, your description is correct.

wonderful! thanks so very much


上一篇:message in MoMentum/ADS.
下一篇:ADS Schematic: design offeset microstrip

