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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > message in MoMentum/ADS.

message in MoMentum/ADS.

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i want to simulate (with MoMentum) this:


and during the simulation , MoMentum display this


and after display result , it displays this:


can u explain me!

thank u very much!

it seems you have no issue with solver but solution or results.

Results may not correct due to the reasons mentioned.
So you need to verify those pitfalls to ensure your result is fine before fabrication.
Hope this help you.

thank you kspalla!
I have tried but I have not managed to solve this problem!
please , Can you help me with details, I'm not really very strong in momentum ads! (and i am not beginer)/ :)

From the results looks sample points are 10 only.
go to simulation setup and update the sample points to 51 and re-run the simulation.
I guess this time you will not get this message.


上一篇:ads momentum thick conductor up
下一篇:Is the S21 plot result given in the voltage ratio or the power ratio in ADS Momentum?

