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Importing data from VNA to ADS2004A

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I have some measurements from a VNA. The VNA saved the measurement as:
DATA00.S1 and DATA00.D1

How do import these in ADS2004A?
I just need them in a dataset for plotting and etc.

If anybody knows how please advise.

Thank you.

If possible, you can connect the PC with VNA using a GPIB cable. Then you can collect the data in ADS. Or you can input the data in data viewer in ADS ( you need to select the right data type)


DATA00.S1 (some times also .S2) is a S-parameter list and most type of simulating program can import this directly (possible after rename filename extension).

DATA00.D1 is same thing but different writing order and in rectangular notation and many simulation program can not import this directly.

Hello Tyassin
I did the importing of VNA data into ADS2004A this way. Hope this helps you.
Open a new Data Display window in ADS2004A. Click on the button with a "Floppy and two arrows (One black and straight, the other a red and curvy)?. This will open a new window. In the new window you have to follow the steps below.

1. Mode: select Read data file into dataset
2. Data file to read: Show the location of the file you got from the VNA and select ?Citifile? in the ?File format to read? window
3. Dataset to write: Give a suitable name in the ?Dataset Name? field
4. The last step is to click on ?Read File? button.

Your data is read and is ready to use in the Data display window. The data is stored under the name you give in step 3. If this doesn?t work repeat the same steps with a change in the name you give in step 3.

Kind Regards

Hi yanr_1612

Yes that did the trick.
Thank you very much



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