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thick conductor expansion ads

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I'm using Momentum runing some RF structure, but kept geting error messages: memory allocation failure, and claimed for more virtual memory! But I have increase my memory to 2GB and the virtual memory to 4GB!

Does anyone here has the same issue? how to handle with this situation?



if you are using XP sp2.

then try /3GB switch (google it to find how). by default xp only alow maximum 2GB ram for one program.

Thank you, pengboy,

I've tried that by editing the boot.ini file, it still did not work for Momentum ... :(




if you are using ADS2004A, you probably need a hotfix..

it can be be downloaded from agilent technical support website.

or it could be that the problem size is too large..

Hi, pengboy,

I'm now using ADS2005A, could you please give a little more detail about the hotfix for ADS? thanks.

does anybody here can access to this website for me:http://edasupportweb.soco.agilent.co...d=ads_momentum, and get the post titled " memory allocation failure"?

thank you,


Just curious here.
What sort of structure are you simulating that requires so much memory?
I have simulated 12 layer LTCC pcb without much of a problem.
I assume either you have a very large layout of a very intricate/complex layout.
If so, I have the following suggestions for you.
1. Be sure that you have the most simplified mesh.
2. Convert circles to simple rectangles.
3. Try using RF instead of Microwave mode.
4. Try disabling thick conductor expansion.

Hope this was useful.

Hi, AswinSJ,

Thanks for your suggestion. I'm now simulating a spiral inductor with an area of 600um*600um. The layer number is almost the same with yours, For your suggestions:

1. what is the most simplified mesh? It ran out of memory when I set 6GH mesh frequency, 300 cell/wavelength. (I've tried to reduce the mesh density, but it seems that the solution was not converged, the result changed with the modified mesh density. Therefore, I think I need to increase the mesh density larger than 300c/w.

2. Good suggestion, I've already done that.

3. Yes, I'm using the RF mode.

4. You mean turn on the side current instead of Edge mesh? I've also tried that, did not work...

Again, thank you and hoping to get more suggestions from you.



上一篇:How ADS can calculate E(theta), E(phi) at far radiation zone for an antenna ?
下一篇:Substrate in ADS Momentum (Layout)

