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ADS and HFSS MMIC integrated simulation

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Hi Guys,
I have a question....

I am trying to simulate an Hybrid circuit that is a series of

microstrip+active device+microstrip

the three are connected together by bondwire, and enclosed in a box.

I also have the RFOW measurements of the active device.

I design in hfss the entire enclosure by putting the microstrip parts and wirebonds.

Instead of an active device I put a third microstrip trace so that I can evaluate the possible resonances of the enclosure.

Now I want to import the s-parameters in ADS where I can actually use my RFOW measurements data of the active device.

I have just realized that I should define some kind of ports in HFSS at the contact of the supposed active device so that I can properly connect the simulated s-parameters obtained from hfss with the DATA block in ADS.....

Anyone out there with some experience regarding this?

Any suggestions are more than welcomed


Instead of designing your circuit in HFSS, you can directly use ADS for your complete design. ADS has integrated FEM based tool where you can simulated your structure along with bondwire then can use ADS circuit simulator for complete simulation

Hi there,
thanks for your reply,
but I am investigating some packaging issues with my circuit.

I do have a good simulation in hfss of the package and I also have my RFOW measurements of the circuit.

I do not underestimate ads capabilities but I need to integrate the package effect from HFSS in ads where I have my active circuit.

I would carry out the analysys in the schematic by using a cascade of hfss exported .sNp file and the .sNp file of the measured RFOW results.

The problem is in HFSS where I do not know where to put the ports and what ports I should use to interface the s-paramenters afterwards with the measurements.

I am tempted to use lumped ports since They should behave as port internal to the system.....but still doubting if it is suitable to interface this port to the RFOW measuremets that were taken under a probe station.

I know that in hfss the lumped port shoul simulated quite well the probe measurements...

Anyone out there that has got a bit of experience on this?

Please help


You are invited to try our software "EM-Supreme" which can simulate the entire chip "active and passive components simultaneously", with no approximations.

Website: www.pedasoft.com

Presentation http://www.pedasoft.com/PedaSoftEMS.pdf

EM-SUPREME?: Time-Domain Field/Device/Circuit Co-Simulator for Modeling of Passive Structures, Active Components, and Complete RF & mm-Wave Modules.


上一篇:Single Stage Transistor Amplifier design using ADS
下一篇:antenna design using ADS software

