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drawing an ellipse with Agilent ADS layout tool

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does anybody know how to draw an ellipse with agilent ads layout tool ?

Thank you very much.


As far as I understand, you can't.
You may try to approximate it with a polygon.
Or you can try to draw it in, say, Autocad, and then import it to ADS.

Thank you for your answer. ADS support agrees with your statement.
Unbelievable, but there is no direct way to draw elliptic shapes....

Just for curiosity, why do you need elipses in ADS?
Are you working with antennas?

see private msg.

just for the record: it is possible to draw a simple circle and use edit/scale to make an ellipse out of it.

You can scale either the x or y figure, and come out with an ellipse.

Just tried that, it works, although you go from a simple shape to a 1000000000000-side polygon.


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