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[ADS] Efficiency equation in Advance Design System
I would like to calculate the efficiency of my rectifier design. I have the plots of output DC Voltage. How can I define an equation for Efficiency calculation and see its relevant plots and table format for different input power levels (pin) and varying Resistor values (R) ?
Efficiency formula:
Design in ADS:
Output Voltage DC vs pin
To calculate power efficiency (PE) you can use these equations easily:
Pout = 0.5*real(V*conj(I)) V:voltage across your main element and I: Current
PDC = real(V_DC*I_DC)
Eff = mag(Pout/pDC)
good luck
I know the general formulas, but about the efficiency as per variables and results on this simulation.?
If you want change the resistance maybe Monte Carlo analysis help you. Search it in ADS maybe you can find something useful.
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