- 易迪拓培训,专注于微波、射频、天线设计工程师的培养
quadrature vco simulation in ads
I design quadrature VCO in ADS. What is the best place for Oscport in below circuit?
I read recommendations for Oscport in negative resistance oscillators (page 8). I can use only one port and I put it between resonator and negative resistance pair.
When I simulated output frequency in transient analyse it was 50.5GHz with 200mV output voltage, but in HB it is 36.77GHz with 65mV output voltage.
Next I checked it in spectre in cadence, transient shows 50GHz and 214 mV and with pss analyse I got 51.3GHz with 265mV.
All tools with fresh versions.
Has anybody experience with it? Which results are more accurate? And how simulation need to be performed?
Use "OscPort2 (Differential Oscillator Port)" not "OscPort (Grounded Oscillator Port)".
However you don't need to use "OscPort" or "OscPort2" at all.
Specify two nodes, e.g. Io1 and Io2 as oscillation nodes just same as Autonomous PSS Analysis in Cadence Spectre.
Show me ADS netlist regarding S-parameter box definitions(n-port), analysis statements and option statements.
And show me simulation logfile for both Transient and HB.
ADSsim's netlist exists as "netlist.log" in project directory.
Basically there are three methods to get netlist in Agilent ADS.
Here I excluded method in RFDE.
(1) Run ADSsim simulation
(2) Use Dynamic Link Menu ; DynamicLink > Top-level Design Netlist
(3) Use AEL from AEL command console window which is similar to Cadence's CIW
Open a command line dialog (use Tools->Command Line... menu),
and enter "de_netlist();" at the "Command>>" prompt.
If you use (2) or (3), you can generate netlist without running simulation.
What method do you use as PSS, Shooting-Newton or HB ?
PSS is a generic name which means Periodic Steady State Analysis.
Major two PSS method are HB and Shooting-Newton.
Read my appends in the followings.
You use S-parameter box as Inductor.
Show me Spectre Netlist regarding S-parameter box definitions(n-port), analysis statements and option statements.
And show me simulation logfile for both Transient and PSS.
I think result of ADS's HB is most accurate since you use S-parameter box.
However I can't judge, since I don't see your ADS netlist and Spectre netlist and simulation logfile.
Try Autonomous-HB-PSS in Cadence Spectre.
I used PSS with HB in Cadence Spectre.
In ADS I tried to use HB without OscPort, but result was the same 36.77GHz with 65mV output voltage.
I simulated circuit with OscTest and got following results. The circuit need to resonate when phase cross 0 point and magnitude more then 1, but why it occurs so fast? And this point is very close to what I have from HB (36.77GHz). It's look that I need change biasing and inductance. Could you explain this behavior and why I did'n get it in Cadence PSS-HB?
Netlist from ADS from method 2.
Options ResourceUsage=yes UseNutmegFormat=no EnableOptim=no TopDesignName="cellcharm_SG13_lib:test_vco:schematic" define varactor_pmos ( "Varact+" "Varact-" Vctrl ) ;parameters sg13_lv_pmos:pmos1 Vctrl "Varact+" Vctrl N__1 Model="sg13_lv_pmos" w=3.5 um l=3.5 um ng=1 nrd=0 nrs=0 _M=1 sg13_lv_pmos:pmos2 Vctrl "Varact-" Vctrl N__6 Model="sg13_lv_pmos" w=3.5 um l=3.5 um ng=1 nrd=0 nrs=0 _M=1 ntap1:ntap1 N__1 Vctrl R=35.622 Ohm ntap1:ntap2 N__6 Vctrl R=35.622 Ohm end varactor_pmos define vco_core ( Ib1 Ib2 Qb1 Qb2 Vcm Vctrl vcc vee ) ;parameters "npn13pl":npn13pl1 Vm Vm vee sub le=1 um Nx=4 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 res_rppd:R1 Vcm Vm sub R=1000 Ohm w=14 um l=55.72 um b=0 ps=0.18 um _M=1 trise=0.0 "npn13pl":npn13pl2 N__6 Vm vee sub le=1 um Nx=4 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 "npn13pl":npn13pl3 Qb1 Ib1 N__6 sub le=1 um Nx=2 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 "npn13pl":npn13pl4 Qb2 Ib2 N__6 sub le=1 um Nx=2 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 "npn13pl":npn13pl5 Ib1 Ib2 N__15 sub le=1 um Nx=2 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 "npn13pl":npn13pl6 Ib2 Ib1 N__15 sub le=1 um Nx=2 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 "npn13pl":npn13pl7 N__15 Vm vee sub le=1 um Nx=4 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 varactor_pmos:I__8 Ib1 Ib2 Vctrl "npn13pl":npn13pl8 Ib1 Qb2 N__19 sub le=1 um Nx=2 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 varactor_pmos:I__10 Qb1 Qb2 Vctrl "npn13pl":npn13pl9 Qb1 Qb2 N__4 sub le=1 um Nx=2 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 "npn13pl":npn13pl10 N__4 Vm vee sub le=1 um Nx=4 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 "npn13pl":npn13pl11 Qb2 Qb1 N__4 sub le=1 um Nx=2 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 "npn13pl":npn13pl12 Ib2 Qb1 N__19 sub le=1 um Nx=2 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 "npn13pl":npn13pl13 N__19 Vm vee sub le=1 um Nx=4 Ny=1 we=0.12 um _M=1 ptap1:ptap1 vee sub R=262.847 Ohm #uselib "ckt" , "S2P" S2P:S2P4 vcc Qb2 0 File="H:\hfss_proj\Inductor_125pH.hfssresults\Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p" Type="touchstone" InterpMode="linear" InterpDom="" Temp=27.0 #uselib "ckt" , "S2P" S2P:S2P1 vcc Ib1 0 File="H:\hfss_proj\Inductor_125pH.hfssresults\Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p" Type="touchstone" InterpMode="linear" InterpDom="" Temp=27.0 #uselib "ckt" , "S2P" S2P:S2P3 vcc Qb1 0 File="H:\hfss_proj\Inductor_125pH.hfssresults\Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p" Type="touchstone" InterpMode="linear" InterpDom="" Temp=27.0 #uselib "ckt" , "S2P" S2P:S2P2 vcc Ib2 0 File="H:\hfss_proj\Inductor_125pH.hfssresults\Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p" Type="touchstone" InterpMode="linear" InterpDom="" Temp=27.0 I_Source:SRC5 Ib1 Ib2 Type="ItPWL" I_Tran=pwl(time, 0ns,0mA, 0.5ps,1mA, 1ps,0mA, 1.5ps, -1mA, 2ps,0mA) I_Source:SRC6 Qb1 Qb2 Type="ItPWL" I_Tran=pwl(time, 0ns,0mA, 0.5ps,1mA, 1ps,0mA, 1.5ps, -1mA, 2ps,0mA) end vco_core HB:HB1 MaxOrder=4 Freq[1]=50 GHz Order[1]=10 StatusLevel=2 Restart=no OutputBudgetIV=no OscPortName="HB1_OP" \ OutputPlan="HB1_Output" OutputPlan:HB1_Output \ Type="Output" \ UseNodeNestLevel=yes \ NodeNestLevel=2 \ UseEquationNestLevel=yes \ EquationNestLevel=2 \ UseSavedEquationNestLevel=yes \ SavedEquationNestLevel=2 \ UseDeviceCurrentNestLevel=yes \ DeviceCurrentNestLevel=0 \ DeviceCurrentDeviceType="All" \ DeviceCurrentSymSyntax=yes \ UseCurrentNestLevel=yes \ CurrentNestLevel=999 \ UseDeviceVoltageNestLevel=no \ DeviceVoltageNestLevel=0 \ DeviceVoltageDeviceType="All" OscProbe:HB1_OP Node[1]="Vout" Node[2]="Vout2" FundIndex=1 Harm=1 NumOctaves=7 Steps=50 Tran:HB1_tran HB_Sol=1 SteadyState=1 StatusLevel=3 \ Freq[1]=50 GHz Order[1]=10 \ OutputPlan="HB1_Output" Component:tahb_HB1 Module="ATAHB" Type="ModelExtractor" \ Tran_Analysis="HB1_tran" HB_Analysis="HB1" Ios=3m Vctrl=-1 tune{ -1.65 to -0.45 by 0.05 } simulator lang=spectre include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_HBT/VBIC/spectre/SG13_cornerBIP.scs" section=typ include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/cornerMOSlv_psp.scs" section=tt include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/cornerMOShv_psp.scs" section=tt include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_cornerRES.scs" section=typ include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_cornerCAP.scs" section=typ include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_dschottky_nw.lib" include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_dschottky_bl.lib" include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/Ind_unit_2PI" include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_diodes.lib" include "U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_ESD/spectre/SG13_esd.lib" simulator lang=ads I_Source:SRC1 0 N__11 Type="I_DC" Idc=Ios V_Source:SRC2 N__32 0 Type="V_DC" Vdc=Vctrl SaveCurrent=1 V_Source:SRC3 N__17 0 Type="V_DC" Vdc=-1.65 V SaveCurrent=1 V_Source:SRC4 N__3 0 Type="V_DC" Vdc=-3.3 V SaveCurrent=1 Tran:Tran1 StartTime=0 psec StopTime=500 psec MaxTimeStep=0.5 psec LimitStepForTL=yes TimeStepControl=2 TruncTol=7.0 ChargeTol=1.0e-14 IntegMethod=0 MaxGearOrder=2 \ Mu=0.5 MaxOrder=4 Freq[1]=1.0 GHz Order[1]=3 HB_Window=no \ HB_Sol=no ImpApprox=no ShortTL_Delay=1.0 psec ImpMode=1 UseInitCond=no \ LoadGminDC=no CheckKCL=yes CheckOnlyDeltaV=yes OverloadAlert=no DeviceBypass=no \ MaxIters=10 MaxItersDC=200 DevOpPtLevel=0 StatusLevel=2 OutputAllPoints=yes \ NoiseScale=1 ImpEnforcePassivity=yes \ OutputPlan="Tran1_Output" OutputPlan:Tran1_Output \ Type="Output" \ UseNodeNestLevel=yes \ NodeNestLevel=2 \ UseEquationNestLevel=yes \ EquationNestLevel=2 \ UseSavedEquationNestLevel=yes \ SavedEquationNestLevel=2 \ UseDeviceCurrentNestLevel=no \ DeviceCurrentNestLevel=0 \ DeviceCurrentDeviceType="All" \ DeviceCurrentSymSyntax=yes \ UseCurrentNestLevel=yes \ CurrentNestLevel=999 \ UseDeviceVoltageNestLevel=no \ DeviceVoltageNestLevel=0 \ DeviceVoltageDeviceType="All" C:C1 Ib1 Vout C=100 nF C:C4 Qb1 Vout3 C=100 nF C:C3 Qb2 Vout4 C=100 nF C:C2 Ib2 Vout2 C=100 nF vco_core:I__20 Ib1 Ib2 Qb1 Qb2 N__11 N__32 N__17 N__3
testbench Tran HB
Show me Spectre netlist.
Show me simulation logfile for both ads and spectre.
N-port treatment is critical in your case, since it flow dc bias current.
Spectre log file
Cadence (R) Virtuoso (R) Spectre (R) Circuit Simulator Version 64bit -- 14 Aug 2014 Copyright (C) 1989-2014 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cadence, Virtuoso and Spectre are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are the property of their respective holders. Includes RSA BSAFE(R) Cryptographic or Security Protocol Software from RSA Security, Inc. User: cpb3902 Host: minerva HostID: 1C860418 PID: 21559 Memory available: 58.8226 MB physical: 10.4753 GB CPU Type: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5430 @ 2.66GHz Processor PhysicalID CoreID Frequency Load 0 0 0 1999.0 6.4 1 0 1 1999.0 1.7 2 0 2 1999.0 2.1 3 0 3 1999.0 1.6 4 1 0 1999.0 2.5 5 1 1 1999.0 1.8 6 1 2 1999.0 2.2 7 1 3 1999.0 1.4 Simulating `input.scs' on minerva at 10:12:06 AM, Mon Nov 2, 2015 (process id: 21559). Current working directory: /mnt/sdb1/home/et5/cpb3902/work_IHP2015/skel/cds/sim/VCO_quadrature_test2/spectre/schematic/netlist Command line: \ /eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/bin/spectre \ -64 input.scs +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out +inter=mpsc \ +mpssession=spectre6_25498_41 -format psfxl -raw ../psf \ +lqtimeout 900 -maxw 5 -maxn 5 spectre pid = 21559 Loading /eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libinfineon_sh.so ... Loading /eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libphilips_o_sh.so ... Loading /eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libphilips_sh.so ... Loading /eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libsparam_sh.so ... Loading /eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/libstmodels_sh.so ... Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/home/et5/cpb3902/work_IHP2015/skel/cds/sim/VCO_quadrature_test2/spectre/schematic/netlist/input.scs Reading link: /eda Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/spectre.cfg Reading link: /cds Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_HBT/spectre/SG13_cornerBIP.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_HBT/spectre/SG13_hbt.lib Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_HBT/spectre/SG13_hbt_stat.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_HBT/spectre/SG13_hbt_mm.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/cornerMOSlv_psp.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/sg13_moslv_psp_stat.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/sg13_moslv_psp_parm.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/cornerMOShv_psp.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/sg13_moshv_psp_stat.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/sg13_moshv_psp_mod.lib Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/sg13_moshv_psp_parm.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/sg13_svaricaphv_mosvar_mod.lib Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_cornerRES.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_res_param.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_res_mm.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_res_stat.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_res.lib Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_cornerCAP.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_cap_mm.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_cap_stat.scs Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_cap.lib Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_dschottky_nw.lib Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_dschottky_bl.lib Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_diodes.lib Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/designtools/cds/kits/SG13S_615_rev0.8.2_a/tech/SG13_ESD/spectre/SG13_esd.lib Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 127.981 ms, elapsed = 1.79619 s. Time accumulated: CPU = 166.974 ms, elapsed = 1.79619 s. Peak resident memory used = 37.4 Mbytes. Reading link: /eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/discipline.h Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/disciplines.vams Reading link: /eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/constants.h Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/eda/cadence/2014-15/RHELx86/MMSIM_13.11.252/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/ahdl/constants.vams Warning from spectre in `Varactors':`I0.I45', in `VCO_quadrature':`I0', during hierarchy flattening. WARNING (SFE-30): "input.scs" 23: I0.I45.P0: `nrd' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `sg13_lv_pmos'. Ignored. WARNING (SFE-30): "input.scs" 23: I0.I45.P0: `nrs' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `sg13_lv_pmos'. Ignored. WARNING (SFE-30): "input.scs" 25: I0.I45.P1: `nrd' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `sg13_lv_pmos'. Ignored. WARNING (SFE-30): "input.scs" 25: I0.I45.P1: `nrs' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `sg13_lv_pmos'. Ignored. Warning from spectre in `Varactors':`I0.I46', in `VCO_quadrature':`I0', during hierarchy flattening. WARNING (SFE-30): "input.scs" 23: I0.I46.P0: `nrd' is not a valid parameter for an instance of `sg13_lv_pmos'. Ignored. Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed. Time for Elaboration: CPU = 38.993 ms, elapsed = 79.1819 ms. Time accumulated: CPU = 205.967 ms, elapsed = 1.87567 s. Peak resident memory used = 42.8 Mbytes. Notice from spectre during hierarchy flattening. Nport compression is disabled on instance NPORT0 because its port number 2 is smaller than 10. Nport compression is disabled on instance NPORT1 because its port number 2 is smaller than 10. Nport compression is disabled on instance NPORT2 because its port number 2 is smaller than 10. Nport compression is disabled on instance NPORT3 because its port number 2 is smaller than 10. Time for EDB Visiting: CPU = 1 ms, elapsed = 2.54393 ms. Time accumulated: CPU = 207.967 ms, elapsed = 1.87858 s. Peak resident memory used = 43.5 Mbytes. Reading link: /home Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p Notice from spectre during initial setup. S parameters are passive in file `/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p'. S parameters are passive in file `/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p'. S parameters are passive in file `/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p'. S parameters are passive in file `/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p'. Notice from spectre during topology check. Only one connection to the following 2 nodes: Vout2 Vout No DC path from node `Vout2' to ground, Gmin installed to provide path. No DC path from node `Vout' to ground, Gmin installed to provide path. Global user options: reltol = 0.001 vabstol = 1e-06 iabstol = 1e-12temp = 27tnom = 27 scalem = 1 scale = 1gmin = 1e-12 rforce = 1 maxnotes = 5 maxwarns = 5 digits = 5cols = 80 pivrel = 0.001 sensfile = ../psf/sens.output checklimitdest = psfsave = allpub currents = all subcktprobelvl = 5 saveahdlvars = alltnom = 27 scalem = 1 scale = 1 Circuit inventory: nodes 20 iprobe 93 capacitor 5 isource 3 nport 4 psp103 4 resistor 6 vbic 13 vsource 3 Analysis and control statement inventory: dc 1 info 7 pss 1 Output statements: .probe 0 .measure 0 save 0 Notice from spectre. 3 warnings suppressed. Time for parsing: CPU = 87.987 ms, elapsed = 1.03414 s. Time accumulated: CPU = 295.954 ms, elapsed = 2.913 s. Peak resident memory used = 48.4 Mbytes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pre-Simulation Summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Entering remote command mode using MPSC service (spectre, ipi, v0.0, spectre6_25498_41, ). Warning from spectre. WARNING (SPECTRE-16707): Only tran supports psfxl format, result of other analyses will be in psfbin format. ****************** DC Analysis `dcOp' ****************** Important parameter values: reltol = 1e-03 abstol(V) = 1 uV abstol(I) = 1 pA temp = 27 C tnom = 27 C tempeffects = all gmindc = 1 pS Trying `homotopy = gmin'. Notice from spectre during DC analysis `dcOp'. Bad pivoting is found during DC analysis. Option dc_pivot_check=yes is recommended for possible improvement of convergence. Convergence achieved in 58 iterations. Total time required for dc analysis `dcOp': CPU = 58.991 ms, elapsed = 59.772 ms. Time accumulated: CPU = 358.944 ms, elapsed = 3.09929 s. Peak resident memory used = 50.3 Mbytes. dcOpInfo: writing operating point information to rawfile. ************************************************************* Periodic Steady-State Analysis `pss': estimated fund = 50 GHz ************************************************************* Trying `homotopy = gmin'. Notice from spectre during DC analysis, during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. Bad pivoting is found during DC analysis. Option dc_pivot_check=yes is recommended for possible improvement of convergence. DC simulation time: CPU = 53.992 ms, elapsed = 56.1559 ms. Using linear IC Reading file: /mnt/sdb1/home/et5/cpb3902/.cadence/mmsim/183ec643412f14a21e27d88abf8419df.bin Notice from spectre during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. Nport NPORT3: Reuse impulse responses from the file `183ec643412f14a21e27d88abf8419df.bin' in the directory of `/home/et5/cpb3902/.cadence/mmsim/'. Nport NPORT2: Reuse impulse responses from previous calculation. Nport NPORT1: Reuse impulse responses from previous calculation. Nport NPORT0: Reuse impulse responses from previous calculation. Nport NPORT3: Reuse impulse responses from the file `183ec643412f14a21e27d88abf8419df.bin' in the directory of `/home/et5/cpb3902/.cadence/mmsim/'. Nport NPORT2: Reuse impulse responses from previous calculation. Nport NPORT1: Reuse impulse responses from previous calculation. Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed. Nport NPORT3: Reuse impulse responses from the file `183ec643412f14a21e27d88abf8419df.bin' in the directory of `/home/et5/cpb3902/.cadence/mmsim/'. Nport NPORT3: Reuse impulse responses from the file `183ec643412f14a21e27d88abf8419df.bin' in the directory of `/home/et5/cpb3902/.cadence/mmsim/'. Nport NPORT3: Reuse impulse responses from the file `183ec643412f14a21e27d88abf8419df.bin' in the directory of `/home/et5/cpb3902/.cadence/mmsim/'. Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed. Linear IC: estimated frequency is 3.47291e+10 Hz ================================= `pss': time = (0 s -> 745.971 ps) ================================= Output and IC/nodeset summary: save 189 (current) save 20 (voltage) Important parameter values in tstab integration: start = 0 s outputstart = 0 s stop = 745.971 ps period = 28.7943 ps maxperiods = 50 step = 622 fs maxstep = 800 fs ic = all useprevic = no skipdc = no reltol = 1e-03 abstol(V) = 1 uV abstol(I) = 1 pA temp = 27 C tnom = 27 C tempeffects = all method = traponly lteratio = 3.5 relref = sigglobal cmin = 0 F gmin = 1 pS Warning from spectre at time = 4.16667 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2833): I0.Q29: The collector-emitter voltage exceeded breakdown voltage of 1.65 V. WARNING (CMI-2139): I0.Q34: The base-emitter junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized. WARNING (CMI-2300): I0.Q34: Device operated in the saturation region. WARNING (CMI-2300): I0.Q26: Device operated in the saturation region. WARNING (CMI-2139): I0.Q35: The base-substrate junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized. Notice from spectre at time = 4.16667 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q35: The base-substrate junction leaves the linearized region. Warning from spectre at time = 4.16667 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2139): I0.Q35: The base-emitter junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized. WARNING (CMI-2139): I0.Q35: The base-collector junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized. WARNING (CMI-2300): I0.Q35: Device operated in the saturation region. WARNING (CMI-2363): I0.Q35: `ic' exceeds `imax'. WARNING (CMI-2363): I0.Q35: `ibe' exceeds `imax'. Warning from spectre at time = 5.90175 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2139): I0.Q35: The base-substrate junction current exceeds `imelt'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect because the junction current model has been linearized. Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed. Notice from spectre at time = 5.90175 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q35: The base-substrate junction leaves the linearized region. Notice from spectre at time = 9.37191 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q35: The base-substrate junction leaves the linearized region. Notice from spectre at time = 16.3122 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q35: The base-substrate junction leaves the linearized region. Notice from spectre at time = 21.3806 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q35: The base-substrate junction leaves the linearized region. Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed. Notice from spectre at time = 124.285 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q29: The collector-emitter junction leaves breakdown region. Warning from spectre at time = 124.285 fs during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2300): I0.Q24: Device operated in the saturation region. Warning from spectre at time = 1.53125 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2475): I0.Q35: DEVICE IS MELTING! The device temperature (`temp') is greater than the maximum temperature `dtmax'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect. Notice from spectre at time = 10.504 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q24: Device leaves the saturation region. I0.Q26: Device leaves the saturation region. Warning from spectre at time = 12.13 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2300): I0.Q32: Device operated in the saturation region. Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed. Notice from spectre at time = 19.3241 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q46: Device leaves the saturation region. pss: time = 19.32 ps (2.59 %), step = 800 fs (107 m%) Notice from spectre at time = 20.9801 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q32: Device leaves the saturation region. Notice from spectre at time = 28.803 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q30: Device leaves the saturation region. Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed. Notice from spectre at time = 33.1376 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. Found trapezoidal ringing on node I0.I45.P0:2. Notice from spectre at time = 56.4924 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q35: `ic' returns to normal. I0.Q35: `ibe' returns to normal. pss: time = 56.49 ps (7.57 %), step = 749.6 fs (100 m%) Notice from spectre at time = 88.3281 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. Found trapezoidal ringing on node I0.I45.P0:2. pss: time = 93.71 ps (12.6 %), step = 780.2 fs (105 m%) Notice from spectre at time = 109.791 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. Found trapezoidal ringing on node I0.I45.P0:2. Notice from spectre at time = 110.534 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. Found trapezoidal ringing on node I0.I45.P0:2. Notice from spectre at time = 111.315 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. Found trapezoidal ringing on node I0.I45.P0:2. Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed. pss: time = 130.8 ps (17.5 %), step = 484.2 fs (64.9 m%) pss: time = 167.9 ps (22.5 %), step = 727.9 fs (97.6 m%) pss: time = 205.7 ps (27.6 %), step = 800 fs (107 m%) pss: time = 242.8 ps (32.5 %), step = 758.9 fs (102 m%) pss: time = 280.2 ps (37.6 %), step = 800 fs (107 m%) pss: time = 317.7 ps (42.6 %), step = 800 fs (107 m%) pss: time = 354.4 ps (47.5 %), step = 800 fs (107 m%) pss: time = 392 ps (52.5 %), step = 769.1 fs (103 m%) pss: time = 428.9 ps (57.5 %), step = 800 fs (107 m%) pss: time = 466.7 ps (62.6 %), step = 772.7 fs (104 m%) pss: time = 503.8 ps (67.5 %), step = 785.6 fs (105 m%) pss: time = 541.1 ps (72.5 %), step = 800 fs (107 m%) pss: time = 578.2 ps (77.5 %), step = 791.3 fs (106 m%) pss: time = 615.9 ps (82.6 %), step = 800 fs (107 m%) pss: time = 652.8 ps (87.5 %), step = 115.2 fs (15.4 m%) pss: time = 690.1 ps (92.5 %), step = 115.2 fs (15.4 m%) pss: time = 727.4 ps (97.5 %), step = 115.2 fs (15.4 m%) The Estimated oscillating frequency from Tstab Tran is = 49.1142 GHz . Tstab: runs at least 100 timesteps per cycle, MaxStep=2.03607e-13 ======================================== `pss': time = (745.971 ps -> 766.332 ps) ======================================== Output and IC/nodeset summary: save 189 (current) save 20 (voltage) Warning from spectre at time = 746.072 ps during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2475): I0.Q35: DEVICE IS MELTING! The device temperature (`temp') is greater than the maximum temperature `dtmax'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect. pss: time = 746.5 ps (2.53 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 747.5 ps (7.53 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 748.5 ps (12.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 749.5 ps (17.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 750.6 ps (22.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 751.6 ps (27.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 752.6 ps (32.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 753.6 ps (37.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 754.6 ps (42.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 755.6 ps (47.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 756.7 ps (52.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 757.7 ps (57.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 758.7 ps (62.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 759.7 ps (67.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 760.7 ps (72.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 761.8 ps (77.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 762.8 ps (82.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 763.8 ps (87.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 764.8 ps (92.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) pss: time = 765.8 ps (97.5 %), step = 203.6 fs (1 %) Pinning node: 105, harm: 1, name: I0.Q32:ci, value: (-0.188233, -0.285555) ============================== Harmonic balance ============================== Important HB parameters: RelTol=1.00e-04 abstol(I)=1.00e-12 A abstol(V)=1.00e-06 V residualtol=1.00e+00 lteratio=3.50e+00 steadyratio=1.00e+00 maxperiods=100 Warning from spectre during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2475): I0.Q35: DEVICE IS MELTING! The device temperature (`temp') is greater than the maximum temperature `dtmax'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect. WARNING (CMI-2133): Risky extrapolation of data given in S-parameter file `/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p'. WARNING (CMI-2134): Risky extrapolation to DC of data given in S-parameter file `/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p'. WARNING (CMI-2134): Risky extrapolation to DC of data given in S-parameter file `/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p'. WARNING (CMI-2134): Risky extrapolation to DC of data given in S-parameter file `/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p'. WARNING (CMI-2475): I0.Q35: DEVICE IS MELTING! The device temperature (`temp') is greater than the maximum temperature `dtmax'. The results computed by Virtuoso(R) Spectre are now incorrect. ********** initial residual ********** Resd Norm=9.08e+02 at node I0.Q35:dt harm=(10) ********** iter = 1 ********** Delta Norm=1.42e+03 at node I0.Q35:dt harm=(0) Resd Norm=8.48e+03 at node I0.Q35:ph1 harm=(0) Frequency= 4.9114e+10 Hz, delta f= 2.83e+05 ********** iter = 2 ********** Warning from spectre during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2363): I0.Q35: `ibe' exceeds `imax'. WARNING (CMI-2363): I0.Q29: `ibe' exceeds `imax'. Notice from spectre during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q35: `ibe' returns to normal. Warning from spectre during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. WARNING (CMI-2833): I0.Q32: The collector-emitter voltage exceeded breakdown voltage of 1.65 V. WARNING (CMI-2363): I0.Q29: `ic' exceeds `imax'. Further occurrences of this warning will be suppressed. Notice from spectre during periodic steady state analysis `pss'. I0.Q32: The collector-emitter junction leaves breakdown region. I0.Q29: `ic' returns to normal. I0.Q29: `ibe' returns to normal. Further occurrences of this notice will be suppressed. Damping Factor is 0.2 Delta Norm=4.50e+02 at node I0.I45:3 harm=(1) Resd Norm=3.38e+03 at node I0.Q35:ph1 harm=(0) Frequency= 4.9109e+10 Hz, delta f= -5.14e+06 ********** iter = 3 ********** Delta Norm=7.67e+02 at node I0:4 harm=(2) Resd Norm=1.44e+03 at node I0.Q35:ph1 harm=(0) Frequency= 5.1270e+10 Hz, delta f= 2.16e+09 ********** iter = 4 ********** Delta Norm=4.51e+02 at node I0.Q45:4 harm=(10) Resd Norm=7.79e+02 at node I0.Q32:bi harm=(8) Frequency= 5.1270e+10 Hz, delta f= 8.41e+04 ********** iter = 5 ********** Delta Norm=7.75e+02 at node I0.Q45:2 harm=(4) Resd Norm=1.10e+03 at node I0.Q35:bi harm=(10) Frequency= 5.1271e+10 Hz, delta f= 7.07e+05 ********** iter = 6 ********** Delta Norm=3.12e+02 at node I0.Q45:4 harm=(8) Resd Norm=5.65e+02 at node I0.Q29:bi harm=(10) Frequency= 5.1271e+10 Hz, delta f= -2.53e+04 ********** iter = 7 ********** Delta Norm=1.75e+02 at node I0.Q45:2 harm=(4) Resd Norm=1.90e+02 at node I0.Q29:bi harm=(8) Frequency= 5.1272e+10 Hz, delta f= 9.10e+05 ********** iter = 8 ********** Delta Norm=1.45e+02 at node I0:4 harm=(2) Resd Norm=8.57e+01 at node I0.Q29:bi harm=(6) Frequency= 5.1341e+10 Hz, delta f= 6.89e+07 ********** iter = 9 ********** Delta Norm=6.56e+01 at node I0:4 harm=(2) Resd Norm=1.42e+01 at node I0.Q24:bi harm=(7) Frequency= 5.1366e+10 Hz, delta f= 2.53e+07 ********** iter = 10 ********** Delta Norm=3.55e+01 at node I0:4 harm=(2) Resd Norm=1.86e+00 at node I0.Q35:bi harm=(7) Frequency= 5.1374e+10 Hz, delta f= 8.26e+06 ********** iter = 11 ********** Delta Norm=2.48e+00 at node I0:4 harm=(1) Resd Norm=3.57e-01 at node I0.Q32:ph1 harm=(2) Frequency= 5.1375e+10 Hz, delta f= 1.06e+06 ********** iter = 12 ********** Delta Norm=1.06e+00 at node I0:4 harm=(2) Resd Norm=5.43e-02 at node I0.Q35:ph1 harm=(2) Frequency= 5.1376e+10 Hz, delta f= 1.23e+05 ********** iter = 13 ********** Delta Norm=1.30e-01 at node I0:4 harm=(1) Resd Norm=6.87e-03 at node I0.Q46:ph1 harm=(1) Frequency= 5.1376e+10 Hz, delta f= 2.51e+04 ************************************************* Fundamental frequency is 51.3755 GHz. ************************************************* CPU time=1 s Total time required for pss analysis `pss': CPU = 3.73643 s, elapsed = 4.49527 s. Time accumulated: CPU = 4.11337 s, elapsed = 7.61217 s. Peak resident memory used = 57.7 Mbytes. Notice from spectre. 733 notices suppressed. 463 warnings suppressed. modelParameter: writing model parameter values to rawfile. element: writing instance parameter values to rawfile. outputParameter: writing output parameter values to rawfile. designParamVals: writing netlist parameters to rawfile. primitives: writing primitives to rawfile. subckts: writing subcircuits to rawfile.
// Generated for: spectre // Generated on: Oct 31 18:53:22 2015 // Design library name: ZellCharm_opt // Design cell name: VCO_quadrature_test2 // Design view name: schematic simulator lang=spectre global 0 sub! parameters Itail=3m Vcont=-1 include "SIHP_TECH/tech/SG13_HBT/spectre/SG13_cornerBIP.scs" section=typ include "SIHP_TECH/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/cornerMOSlv_psp.scs" section=tt include "SIHP_TECH/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre/cornerMOShv_psp.scs" section=tt include "SIHP_TECH/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_cornerRES.scs" section=typ include "SIHP_TECH/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_cornerCAP.scs" section=typ include "SIHP_TECH/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_dschottky_nw.lib" include "SIHP_TECH/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_dschottky_bl.lib" include "SIHP_TECH/tech/SG13_PASSIVES/spectre/SG13_diodes.lib" include "SIHP_TECH/tech/SG13_ESD/spectre/SG13_esd.lib" // Library name: ZellCharm_opt // Cell name: Varactors // View name: schematic subckt Varactors Varactor\+ Varactor\- Vcont P0 (Vcont Varactor\- Vcont net08) sg13_lv_pmos w=3.5u l=3.5u ng=1 ad=0 \ as=0 pd=0 ps=0 m=1 nrd=0 nrs=0 P1 (Vcont Varactor\+ Vcont net07) sg13_lv_pmos w=3.5u l=3.5u ng=1 ad=0 \ as=0 pd=0 ps=0 m=1 nrd=0 nrs=0 I1 (net07 Vcont) ntap1 R=35.622 I13 (net08 Vcont) ntap1 R=35.622 ends Varactors // End of subcircuit definition. // Library name: ZellCharm_opt // Cell name: VCO_quadrature // View name: schematic subckt VCO_quadrature \90L \90R Vcm Vcont ZeroL ZeroR vss I45 (ZeroL ZeroR Vcont) Varactors I46 (\90L \90R Vcont) Varactors R13 (cm Vcm sub!) res_rppd R=1K l=55.72u w=14u b=0 ps=180n trise=0.0 \ m=1 Q35 (\90L \90R net064 sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=2 Ny=1 m=1 Q28 (net064 cm vss sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=4 Ny=1 m=1 Q26 (\90L ZeroL net019 sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=2 Ny=1 m=1 Q25 (net046 cm vss sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=4 Ny=1 m=1 Q24 (ZeroR ZeroL net046 sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=2 Ny=1 m=1 Q27 (net019 cm vss sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=4 Ny=1 m=1 Q34 (ZeroL \90R net037 sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=2 Ny=1 m=1 Q45 (cm cm vss sub!) npn13pl le=1.0u we=0.12u Nx=4 Ny=1 m=1 Q46 (\90R ZeroR net019 sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=2 Ny=1 m=1 Q30 (ZeroR \90L net037 sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=2 Ny=1 m=1 Q32 (ZeroL ZeroR net046 sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=2 Ny=1 m=1 Q29 (\90R \90L net064 sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=2 Ny=1 m=1 Q31 (net037 cm vss sub!) npn13pl le=1.00u we=0.12u Nx=4 Ny=1 m=1 I107 (vss sub!) ptap1 R=3.062 ends VCO_quadrature // End of subcircuit definition. // Library name: ZellCharm_opt // Cell name: VCO_quadrature_test2 // View name: schematic NPORT0 (vdd 0 ZeroL 0) nport interp=linear thermalnoise=yes \ file="/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p" NPORT1 (ZeroR 0 vdd 0) nport interp=linear thermalnoise=yes \ file="/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p" NPORT2 (\90R 0 vdd 0) nport interp=linear thermalnoise=yes \ file="/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p" NPORT3 (vdd 0 \90L 0) nport interp=linear thermalnoise=yes \ file="/home/et5/cpb3902/hfss_proj/Inductor_125pH.hfssresults/Inductor_125pH_HFSSDesign1_0-100GHz.s2p" V4 (vdd 0) vsource dc=-1.65 type=dc V5 (net029 0) vsource dc=-3.3 type=dc V0 (net34 0) vsource dc=Vcont type=dc I6 (0 net48) isource dc=Itail type=dc I0 (\90L \90R net48 net34 ZeroL ZeroR net029) VCO_quadrature C1 (ZeroL Vout2) capacitor c=100n C0 (ZeroR Vout) capacitor c=100n I20 (\90R \90L) isource type=pwl wave=[ 0 0 500f 1m 1p 0 1.5p -1m 2p 0 ] I19 (ZeroR ZeroL) isource type=pwl wave=[ 0 0 500f 1m 1p 0 1.5p -1m 2p 0 ] simulatorOptions options reltol=1e-3 vabstol=1e-6 iabstol=1e-12 temp=27 \ tnom=27 scalem=1.0 scale=1.0 gmin=1e-12 rforce=1 maxnotes=5 maxwarns=5 \ digits=5 cols=80 pivrel=1e-3 sensfile="../psf/sens.output" \ checklimitdest=psf dcOp dc write="spectre.dc" maxiters=150 maxsteps=10000 annotate=status dcOpInfo info what=oppoint where=rawfile pss ( Vout Vout2 ) pss flexbalance=yes fund=50G harms=10 + errpreset=moderate tstab=600p oscic=lin oscmethod=onetier + annotate=status modelParameter info what=models where=rawfile element info what=inst where=rawfile outputParameter info what=output where=rawfile designParamVals info what=parameters where=rawfile primitives info what=primitives where=rawfile subckts info what=subckts where=rawfile saveOptions options save=allpub currents=all subcktprobelvl=5 \ saveahdlvars=all
Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_nmos.LowL' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 88. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_nmos.HigL' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 89. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_nmos.<ConditionalCircuit>.LowW' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 91. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_nmos.<ConditionalCircuit>.HigW' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 92. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_nmos.<ConditionalCircuit>.LowW' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 94. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_nmos.<ConditionalCircuit>.HigW' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 96. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_pmos.LowL' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 132. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_pmos.HigL' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 133. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_pmos.<ConditionalCircuit>.LowW' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 135. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during netlist parsing. Skipping instance `sg13_lv_pmos.<ConditionalCircuit>.HigW' of type `paramtest', In file `U:/design kits/SG13S/sg13s_ads2014_rev0.5.10/circuit/models/tech/SG13_MOS/library/spectre\sg13_moslv_psp_mod.lib' at, or just before, line 136. NXP SiMKit (ver. 4.3 (4.3)) Model psp103 Copyright NXP Semiconductors 2006.Warning detected by hpeesofsim in topology check during circuit set up. Number of nodes with only one device attached (topology corrected): 4 Number of nodes with no DC path to ground (topology corrected): 4 HB HB1[1] <cellcharm_SG13_lib:test_vco:schematic> Number of tones: 1. Number of frequencies: 11. Number of time samples: 32. Number of HB equations (problem size): 3487. Auto mode: on. Convergence mode: Auto. Linear solver: direct. Device Pin Current not saved for multiple pins of devices connected together in circuit. Use a current probe instead. HB1_OP.V=1 mV 0.00% 1/2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Newton solver: Iter KCL residual Damp % Sol update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.0* 60.6142 nA 100.0 1.0 1.27559 pA 100.0 193.766 pV Frequency = 33.96660023 GHz Injected current = 6.278e-07 A Fwd HB1_OP.V=512.264 mV 0.05% 2/2 Step=1 0.0* 67.9447 mA 100.0 Frequency = 44.64629542 GHz rejected Fwd HB1_OP.V=244.459 mV 0.02% 2/2 Step=0.4761904762 0.0* 5.8116 mA 100.0 1.0 9.24291 mA 100.0 1.1* 7.41463 mA 100.0 2.0 143.956 uA 100.0 2.1 32.5029 uA 100.0 2.2 7.73992 uA 100.0 2.3 1.85165 uA 100.0 109.88 uV 2.4 440.173 nA 100.0 24.9044 uV Frequency = 39.83164372 GHz Injected current = -8.424e-05 A Arclength Newton-Raphson converged at 0.219308 in 2 iters Calculating solution at 0.002614878878 0.0 137.849 uA 100.0 Samanskii-Newton iteration failed 0.1* 691.428 uA 100.0 1.0* 636.544 nA 100.0 2.0 1.45228 nA 100.0 3.1176 nV Frequency = 33.96759609 GHz Injected current = 1.641e-06 A Newton-Raphson converged at 0.002614878878 Calculating solution at 0.137027815 0.0 1.39711 mA 100.0 Samanskii-Newton iteration failed 0.1* 172.072 kA 100.0 1.0* 807.295 uA 100.0 2.0 63.4937 uA 100.0 2.1 6.62116 uA 100.0 2.2 827.743 nA 100.0 18.1777 uV 2.3 84.3378 nA 100.0 1.73614 uV Frequency = 37.05294976 GHz Injected current = -6.205e-06 A Newton-Raphson converged at 0.137027815 Calculating solution at 0.06982134696 0.0 1.16911 mA 100.0 0.1 851.631 uA 100.0 0.2 332.147 uA 100.0 0.3 139.18 uA 100.0 0.4 60.2753 uA 100.0 0.5 28.9784 uA 100.0 0.6 14.9392 uA 100.0 0.7 9.12244 uA 100.0 0.8 4.81211 uA 100.0 0.9 3.35477 uA 100.0 0.10* 1.8964 uA 100.0 1.0 117.258 pA 100.0 8.63315 nV Frequency = 34.81278195 GHz Injected current = 2.778e-05 A Newton-Raphson converged at 0.06982134696 Calculating solution at 0.1301608494 0.0 168.759 uA 100.0 0.1 29.5928 uA 100.0 Samanskii-Newton iteration failed 0.2* 65.0643 uA 100.0 1.0 493.115 nA 100.0 6.31216 uV 1.1 6.12565 nA 100.0 26.0191 nV Frequency = 36.79185811 GHz Injected current = -4.724e-07 A Newton-Raphson converged at 0.1301608494 Calculating solution at 0.1295679842 0.0 14.095 uA 100.0 0.1 148.689 nA 100.0 0.2 2.96315 nA 100.0 Frequency = 36.76937164 GHz Injected current = 7.972e-09 A Newton-Raphson converged at 0.1295679842 sourceLevel=0 0.00% 1/2 0.0* 54.2843 pA 100.0 Frequency = 36.76937164 GHz sourceLevel=1 100.00% 2/2 0.0 10.9638 A 100.0 Samanskii-Newton iteration failed 0.1* 128.201e+30A 100.0 1.0* 95.5734 pA 100.0 1.27077 nV Final injected current = -4.928e-15 A Final oscillation frequency = 36.76974535 GHz Warning detected by hpeesofsim during HB analysis `HB1'. VBIC `I__20.npn13pl6' base-collector is forward biased. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during HB analysis `HB1'. VBIC `I__20.npn13pl11' base-collector is forward biased. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during HB analysis `HB1'. VBIC `I__20.npn13pl5' base-collector is forward biased. Warning detected by hpeesofsim during TRAN analysis `Tran1'. COMPONENT `I__20.S2P2.CMP1': Highest frequency in data is 1e+11 Hz, which is smaller than the maximum source bandwidth 2e+12 Hz. COMPONENT : I__20.S2P2.CMP1 Characterizing to 100 GHz Warning detected by hpeesofsim during TRAN analysis `Tran1'. COMPONENT `I__20.S2P3.CMP1': Highest frequency in data is 1e+11 Hz, which is smaller than the maximum source bandwidth 2e+12 Hz. COMPONENT : I__20.S2P3.CMP1 Characterizing to 100 GHz Warning detected by hpeesofsim during TRAN analysis `Tran1'. COMPONENT `I__20.S2P1.CMP1': Highest frequency in data is 1e+11 Hz, which is smaller than the maximum source bandwidth 2e+12 Hz. COMPONENT : I__20.S2P1.CMP1 Characterizing to 100 GHz Warning detected by hpeesofsim during TRAN analysis `Tran1'. COMPONENT `I__20.S2P4.CMP1': Highest frequency in data is 1e+11 Hz, which is smaller than the maximum source bandwidth 2e+12 Hz. COMPONENT : I__20.S2P4.CMP1 Characterizing to 100 GHz TRAN Tran1[1] <cellcharm_SG13_lib:test_vco:schematic> time=(0 s->500 ps) Resource usage: Total stopwatch time = 8.32 seconds.
If you observe Ib1, Ib2, Qb1 and Qb2, phase relations between them are same for HB(36GHz) and Tran(50GHz) ?
I think your quadrature oscillator has two oscillation modes, 36GHz and 50GHz.
HB analysis gives lower oscillation mode.
Tran analysis gives higher oscillation mode.
I think Tran analysis might be able to give lower oscillation mode by changing initial condition or kick condition.
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