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Question Regarding ADS

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Hey everyone. I have two questions regarding Advance design system software.
1. I have done impedance matching for my circuit in ADS. How can i apply it between two components?
2. Can we import a schematic from ADS to any PCB development software or in ADS-PCB designer itself?
Thank You

1: What do you mean by question 1? I don't understand the question.

2: Yes and no. ADS can exchange schematic data using IFF format, and also export netlist information, but the schematic models are usually different between the systems. PCB schematic has no equivalent for all the ADS-specific RF library elements. Depending on schematic complexity, it might be easier to transfer the data manually.

For PCB design tool links, see ADS online help: Input-Output > Design Translation

How did you matched impedance at first place without having components ?

My question 1 was
I have tried impedance matching in ADS using smith chart utility by taking source and load impedance of components through S parameters. But whenever i try to put the matching circuit in a symbol and add it between the matched components it does not simulate anything.

You may need to learn how to create hierarchy in ADS. Show your design sheet, mb u forgot to place simulator or define pins when creating a symbol?


上一篇:impedance match on hardware level and ads stimulation
下一篇:Issue regarding hardware implementation of Broadband LNA with ATF34143 using ADS 2009

