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[ADS] Customizing a Design Flow in ADS

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I'm trying to customize the design flow for an existing workspace. However, im stuck in the 1st step. i cannot find Design flow settings under help as given below. Is it? because im using ADS2017? how to do this in ADS2017 then?

Customizing a Design Flow
1. Select Help > Design Flow Settings in the ADS Main window.
2. Select RF/Microwave in the Choose a Design Flow screen.

3. Click Next. Accept the default Toolbar Configuration settings.
4. Click Next. Ensure that Use new ADS 2015.01 hotkeys option is selected.
5. Click Next. The ADS Application Features screen is displayed.
6. Select the Layout Command Line Editor and ADFI Import Tools options.

7. Click Finish.

See your other thread for installing the add-on:

The new workflow setting in ADS 2017 is here: ADS main window > Options > Work Flow Configuration


could u please share with me the ADS


上一篇:ADS Design Kit, missing lib.def
下一篇:SMS7630 Series modeling for small signal in ADS

