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pin is not fully connected in ADS

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I have designed a power amplifier in cadence virtuoso and generated gds file. Now I want to use that gds in ADS to find the mutual inductance across the inductors. I successfully extracted gds file using .map. However, when I'm performing EM simulations, I'm getting the following error.

Generating mesh at 500 MHz...
--- ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------

At least one pin or bondwire end is not fully
connected to a conductive part of the design
(see the layout processing report for details).
This setup is invalid for a Momentum simulation.

The pin layer and the metal it is connected are on the same layer. I'm attaching log file for reference.

Can anyone let me know what settings I need to change?.

You directly transferred GDS II file into ADS Momentum.It will create so many troubles.
You should-if it's possible-convert only metallic layers in which you're interested.
There might be some problems in substrate file and it's also possible that a port does really not touch to any conductor layer even it seems to be.
If it's possible, use Momentum for Virtuoso that is included in ADS Linux version and set Virtuoso up for then try to simulate within Virtuoso Design Environment.
Also, if it's possible, upgrade your version at least ADS 2015.08..

Usually it works well in ADS. Could you send us a picture of your layout with the attached port ? Perhaps your port is in a bad layer or not well connected ?
It's difficult to answer without much information.

Can you open your layout design in 3D viewer and check pin connectivity with the trace in EM-previewer.
Also, check the substrate , traces should be defined as the conductor.


上一篇:ADS Error: While evaluating expression `y1.X8.L2.L':expression has not been defined
下一篇:[ADS] Converting Layers between Strip and Slot Representation in ADS

