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efficiency equation in ADS

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hi, can you help me for write the equation for efficiency in J class in harmonic balance?
is it true?
in my circute gives me 0.002% but in the paper gives 60% why?
do you give me your email to send my file and solve my problem? pleaseeeee
thank you

How do you measure pload_w ? Because pload_w -in generally- is complex and it's got real and imaginary part.Also it has all harmonics including DC.
You do probably an error and therefore you find this number.
In additional to, if the load is complex, you can not find the delivered power to load by V[1]/R.. It will be wrong.
If the load is complex, P_load_del=1/2*real((V_load[1]*cong(I_load[1]))) in Watts.

thank you for your answer. this photo in my equation in shematic in ads for PA J Class. i test your formula and efficiency is the same 0.002%.can you see my formula and give me your idea.
thank you

Hi to all

I didn't try to calculate power efficiency in ADS, but your post interested me :)
My thoughts - you have wrong dc power calculation equations.
If yoi open power amplifier design examples, you'll see:

I don't know what it means, but i really want to understand it.

If your load is complex, then your Vmag and I mag are not in phase.
So your calculation is error.
And, your gain is error, because Pload_W plus 30dB, but Pin_W don't, so if you want to convert to dBm, both should do so.


上一篇:oscillaror simulation with ADS
下一篇:In ADS, doubts regarding on the degenarated source inductance.

