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Modelling SPDT switch in ADS
i want to design a phase shifter in microstrip
and i want to use macomtech MASWSS0192 SPDT switch
what i want to ask is how can i modeling the SPDT switch in ADS?
here's the datasheetMASWSS0192.pdf
Hi monolothics,
you could insert within a Dataset the S param from the SPDT part into your schematic. Of course you nedd two diferrent sets of S param for both states of the SPDT.
this technique can be also useful for cosimualtion with momentum.
Hi marco,
thanks for the reply
i get the idea, but i'm kinda new in using ADS so
how exactly the procedure is done in ADS?
Step 1: First draw the Momentum Layout -----> Simulate it----->select momentum ---->select component create update-----> dialogue box will open---> select the add reference pin box---->select OK or apply.
Step 2: Go to schematic drag the layout file from project to the schematic, the component will be available in the schematics for simulation with S parameter file of the SPDT switch
hi shashy.br
thank you for the reply
it is very helpful
but what do you mean by draw? i mean what should i draw?
and how? i know how to draw a microstrip line but is it the same? or there's another technique?
Pls explain your requirement in details.
what is the frequency of operation?
what is the phase shift requirement?
hi thanks for the reply
this is my requirement
the frequency operation is 2.4 Ghz
the phase shifter is 3-bit so there's 8 phase state
what dont you use the following phase shifter ?
yes i've seen that phase shifter
but,here's my work so far in designing 3-bit switched line phase shifter
i've already design each branch (reference state and delay line), and simulate it using schematic based on this link
the result is good.
but i haven't design the phase shifter while the SPDT switch is mounted in the circuit
so i want to know how to modelling the SPDT switch in ADS using the macomtech SPDT switch that i've mentioned above
you have to include your SPDT switch S parameter within a 3 port Data Item into your phase shifter schematic. S parameter(that have to be imported into the data item, touchstone format .s3p) have to correspond to the SPDT switch state that you want to simulate. Then you could run a second simulation for the second state.
You have to choose Data Items on your palette --> then select S3P component -->place it into your schematic --> double click --> browse for your SPDT s3p file and that's all.
Simulation range has to be within manufacturer specified frequency range for the s3p file!
Good luck!
Marco_A_Llamas is right , use the S parameter file from the Vendor.
just ask for the s3p files for both the states of the SPDT switch!
also i recommend SKYWORKS switches since they provide a better isolation than that you have selected.
Just check the part number SKY13286-359LF from sky works!
shahsy.br and marco thank you so much for the help
i'll try what you've been sugested
- - - Updated - - -
shahsy.br and marco thank you so much for the help
i'll try what you've been sugested
上一篇:how to simulation differential filter by ads,plz help
下一篇:MW6S004NT ADS model need
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