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Microstrip Transmission Line ADS

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Hi All,
I'm new to ADS.
I'm a student, and needed your help, I want to design a Microstrip Transmission Line using ADS.
I know Zl = 150-75i ohm , , Zo= 75 ohm , l ( in terms of lambda) , Di-electric constant= 2.22, h= 3 mils, Zg=50 ohm

Need to find Zin,Reflection Co-efficient, S11 ( at input).If you can guide me how to go about it, i will really thankful.

If you let me know the steps which i need to take in ADS. If you have a detailed document about it , please do share..



In ADS there is a smithchart compnent, you can use that.
That is a DG component.
I think it's no relation with Er and height.

(1) You have to determine width of microstrip line for the following specifications.
- Dielectric constant= 2.22
- h= 3 mils
- Zo= 75 ohm
You can do this task by using Line Calculator of Agilent ADS.
Using LineCalc

(2) Place microstrip detemined by step (2) in schematic.
Here length of micrstrip is variable for sweeping simulation.
I assume it is defined as "Lx".
And place Term with Z=50ohm as port-1 and Term with Z=150-j*75 as port-2.
See the followings.
MSUB (Microstrip Substrate)
MLIN (Microstrip Line)
The Designer's Guide Community Forum - ADS to design and simulate antena( please, help me)
The Designer's Guide Community Forum - Problem with ADS MCLIN !

(3) Run S-parameter simulation with sweeping microstrip length.
Here if you set frequency as fin=1GHz.
Lx=x*(c0/fin), here "c0 = 2.99792e+008 m/s the speed of light" is reserved word in ADS.
So you must not define "c0".
Then sweep x, for example, from 0 to 1.0 with step 0.01.
You can get S11 and Zin with normalized microstrip length as independent variable.

what is the methematical relationship between frequency ,impedence,width,er of microstrip

- - - Updated - - -

what is the methematical relationship between frequency ,impedence,width,er of microstrip

I think you can find these equations in microwave books, for example Microwave Engineering, David Pozar


上一篇:LNA design on ADS2009
下一篇:Transistor availabilty in Agilent ADS

