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Help need for power consumption measurement in ADS 2009
I designed low noise amplifier using ATF 54143 avago transistor. I want to measure the over all power dissipation of the low noise amplifier circuit using ADS 2009. I have set the biasing Ids=59.4 mA , Vds= 3.00v Vgs= 578mV. Which template or function, I need to use for measuring total power dissipation in the circuit.How much theoretical power dissipation can expect. Practically, how much it is acceptable for 3V , 60mA ATF54143 transistor.Can you anybody help me in this regard.
Since u biased the transistor near its maximum current , so the noise performance will not be good! try to bias at 15-20mA current region ! Theoretically u are pumping total power of Pdc+ Input Rf power ( u calculate the total power) and measure the output power and the difference of these two is the power dissipated!, For proper design LNA should have a negligible power dissipation . i think ur region of bias is not recommended for LNA design
Dear Sir,
Is there any direct predefined function available in ADS2009 to find the total power consumption.
I don't think a direct function is there but u may probe rf current ( drain current) and then u may calculate!
There is an element that measure the current (AC+DC), you can use it to measure any kind of power.
This element a general purpose current meter and it may measure DC to all harmonics.
Dear Sir,
How to find DC power consumption using current meter(I_PROBE) in ADS2009.
There is no built-in measurement to obtain DC power but with a current probe and a simple equation it can be measured.
RealAEL Sir,
Thank you for your kind help. I have to measure DC power consumption of nonlinear device model LNA or linear device model LNA. But results
for measuring linear and nonlinear device LNA are entirely different.For linear device model with LNA if DC power consumption comes 531 Milli Watts, same circuit I used for both linear and nonlinear device model with LNA. But for nonlinear device model same Vds, Ids and Vgs used it is coming 2milli watts. That much of huge difference between the two models DC power consumption. Which model I need to measure for the DC power consumption whether linear or non linear model?
(1) As you know ,I have designed low noise amplifier using ATF 54143 transistor and simulated using ADS2009. I have measured the lumped element models both linear and non different measurements with same circuit I used for both linear and nonlinear model LNA. I have measured the gain, noise figure ,stability, group delay variation and figure of merit of linear device model of the LNA.Similarly I measured the nonlinear device LNA with same circuit of linear device model IIP3, OIP3, P1dB compression point and DC power consumption of the circuit. Sir Is it correct way of measuring different measurements of linear and nonlinear device model?
(2) Now I want to go for fabrication of LNA , then I need to compare the measured and simulated values. I have the lumped element models of both linear and nonlinear device models of LNA. I want to create the layout for both linear and nonlinear models of LNA. In ADS 2009, how to create layout for the LNA lumped element models for going fabrication. Do I need to convert the lumped element into distributed element for creating layout? Is there any help PDF format of ADS2009 for creating layout for fabrication. I request you to show the link for video lecturing or PDF format help for creating layout for fabrication, am beginner to this ADS2009.
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