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Help needed ADS-CRLH unit cell

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I am designing a CRLH unit cell with an interdigital capacitor and short circuited stub (with via to ground) in ADS momentum. I want to use this single unit cell as a matching part for my rectifier circuit ( as of now i am using a diode for simplification). Can someone help me in suggesting a way to find the impedance of the unit cell using ADS, so that i can obtain a match with diode impedance. The diode impedance has been already calculated using a term component and then plotting S11 on smith chart.
I would also like to know how can i change the impedance by varying the length, width if interdigital fingers or short circuited stub.


Can somebody please help on this. Its urgent.


上一篇:How to preform FEM analysis of CPW line in ADS 2011
下一篇:Problem with adding NXP model to ADS 2011 ( searched and tried many way )

