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uwb wilkinson power divider using ads

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i am using uwb wilkinson power divider in my FYP,i designed a 1-2 divider but results are not according to uwb band(3.1-10.6ghz),any 1 plz help me in uploaded mdl
i am using FR-4 substrat and cntr freq is 6 ghz

1st, you should use RF substrate, such as Roger's products.
2nd, the bandwidth is not so wide. You can use multi-stages to reach your goal.
In AWR, there are some exapmles for 2-18GHz. You can modify them to fit your requirements.

but here only FR-4 is available for fabrication

Based on my experience, FR-4 is not working well above 5 GHz.

Yes that's true, there are circuits designed for 5.8 GHz on FR-4, but they are working on a very narrow band.

If you want to design for a very wide band, it is required to use a RF substrate such as Taconic, Rogers etc as mentioned by tony_lth.

Sometime ago I've done a 1-4 power divider using 3 wilkinson power dividers working in 1 - 11 GHz range. I used 3 stage wilkinsons on Taconic TLX-0 and measured results were very promising with the simulated results in ADS.

Another advice, if you are going to do a project in uni, it's not bad to look at the requirements and available resources. Hope you'll do it next time...


hi per-lube
if u have any divider working in range of 1-11 ghz range,plz share it, i wil help me

well, it is not possible to give you the design of it as I did the project with an industry partner.
The copyright is with the industry partner.

I used the ADS design guide to design it. Manually building the components from primitives also works well... however it takes some time as you need to do a lot of tweaks for it.

Add the design guide component to your schematic and enter the required parameters : bandwidth etc. then design it and simulate. Once you get the satisfactory results in schematic, use momentum to verify the result.
If momentum is not giving satisfactory results, you need to tune the parameters in schematic, update the design and simulate again in momentum...
I got 3 stage wilkinson for the optimized design.

As I can remember, ADS design guide calculations does not work for substrates having eps_r < 2.45 or 2.5 you may check the exact value in ADS help. It's given there...

I used Taconic TLX-8 0.707 mm thick substrate for the design.

Hope this information helps...

I used Rogers 4350B to make a 2-9GHz power divider. Just modify from the example of AWR.

the best substrate for UWB application is Tacounic RF-35

Hi, ferdows, Could you pls give more explanations about that?

Pls, you can shows me. i wanted to your power divider structure.


I just modified from AWR examples, it is 3-stages.

Check this:


Now do your homework! :)


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