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ads iv curve

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hello all,

I want to trace the IV curve, output pwer vs input pwer of MA4E2502 schottky diode in ADS, spice parametres are availables..

How can i proceed ?

In attached file the schematic that i have done!

could you help me ?

You shouldn't be sweeping the diode current ID,you are using a voltage source to drive the diode,so sweep only VD and plot VD Vs ID .

For power plot,use harmonic balance ,you should be sweeping input power here,
plot Pin Vs Pout, let Pin and Pout be two nodes in your circuit, I feel you should be having a load terminal too,where you can measure Pout.

There are enough examples in ADS tutorial ,to help you in plotting these.

thank you a lot but really i could not understand you espicially in IV curve......could you show me how can i proceed step by step..

thank you in advance,


In attached the iV curve which is wrong curve..

and for P_out is it coorect as shown in attached file?

thank you a lot

There is a basic mistake in your circuit, there is no reference ground in your circuit.

You are trying to do too many things in single schematic.

Keep it simple ,first simulate DC characteristics,using DC control only.
Save that, than make another design ,do harmonic balance simulation
for power,you should find out from ADS help how to plot power for a particular harmonic by using indexing.

You have to trace IV curves by using the DC component in the palette.

I see you are using HB and DC at the same time.
In ADS go to design guide and select.

he colleagues,

thngs again for helping me but i want to let you know that when i want to display a IV curve i desactivat the whole even for harmonic balance et the same when i try to display or simulate the harmonic balance i desactivate a DC simulatation and others ..i still with this problem.....

thank you in advance if you suggest me step by step


where was a pb if you see the attached file ? espicially for DV curve since it not look like as diode curve..


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下一篇:ADS Optimization help

