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首页 > ADS > ADS FAQ > How to calculate the parameters for DR of a LC oscillator and simulate it with ADS?

How to calculate the parameters for DR of a LC oscillator and simulate it with ADS?

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I have an All-PMOS LC oscillator working on 3050MHz frequency. I am required to replace the LC circuit with dielectric resonator. Can anyone guide me how to calculate the parameters for DR and simulate it with ADS? Is it possible to have the dielectric resonator in a cross-coupled structure?


In AWR, there is a simulation example for DR, the DR equivelent model is L//C//R parallel. You can use that model to begin simulate in ADS.
What is the cross-coupled structure do you mean?

Dielectric Resonator Oscillators

I think cross-coupled structure doesn't allow for maximum variation near resonance in order to insure high circuit Q.


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